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Polly coming out unscathed from this ordeal, Mrs Chick withdrew with her report to her brother's room, and as an emphatic comment on it, and corroboration of it, carried the two rosiest little Toodles with her. Toodle being the family name of the apple-faced family.

The fine little boy with the blister on his nose is the eldest The blister, I believe, said Miss Tox, looking round upon the family, 'is not constitutional, but accidental? The apple-faced man was understood to growl, 'Flat iron. 'I beg your pardon, Sir, said Miss Tox, 'did you? 'Flat iron, he repeated. 'Oh yes, said Miss Tox. 'Yes! quite true. I forgot.

There is not a messenger or process-server attached to it, who wears a coat that was made for him; not a tolerably fresh, or wholesome-looking man in the whole establishment, except a little white-headed apple-faced tipstaff, and even he, like an ill-conditioned cherry preserved in brandy, seems to have artificially dried and withered up into a state of preservation to which he can lay no natural claim.

She was barely saved from pitching head foremost into the lot, by the timely arrival of Deacon Strong's daughter, who managed, with difficulty, to connect the excited woman's feet with the floor. "Foh de Lor' sake!" Mandy gasped, as she stood panting for breath and blinking at the pretty, young, apple-faced Julia; "I was suah most gone dat time."

"Which is the weakly one?" asked Cadbury. "That lily-flower bending on its stalk to address the cheeky, black-eyed imp? He looks weakly enough, all eyes and hair." "No, no; that's Hughes, from the Bank. I mean the new weekly boarder, who's to go home from Saturday to Monday." "I know the one," said Hallett. "The apple-faced boy who does so much laughing. I heard someone call him Brady."

He was a white-haired, apple-faced old boy, with sleepy eyes and a grey moustache; stout, sedentary, and very innocent, of a type that may often be found in France, but is still commoner in Catholic Germany.

On principle, however, look out for an apple-faced Dutchman with a thin nose and no lips. Neither Jew, Yankee, nor American stands any chance in a deal with that type of financier. Personally my feeling is this: if I've got to play games with Julius Neergard, I'd prefer to be his partner. And so I told Gerald. By the way "

These I was fortunate enough to have most patiently described to me by a Syrian who sat beside me, apple-faced and beaming, pleased with the play and himself as interpreter.

The father-in-law was a little apple-faced old gentleman with bright eyes and a ready smile, who evidently considered his son-in-law a born wit, and was ready to laugh at all his sallies. A man of good memory, that, decided Stoner, and wondered how he could diplomaticaly lead Mr. Pursey to talk about the town he came from. But Mr.

A stout, apple-faced woman opened it, looking a shade nervous. "Good morning, Mrs. Hibblethwaite," said Miss Alicia in a kind but remote manner. "The new Mr. Temple Barholm has been kind enough to come to see you. It's very good of him to come so soon, isn't it?" "It is that," Mrs. Hibblethwaite answered respectfully, looking him over. "Wilt tha coom in, sir?"