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"'Deed it were!" said Mrs. Silver. "An' dess whut he claim hisse'f he mean it fer! But you tell me, please, how you hear whut you' grampaw say? He mighty noisy, but you nev' could a-hear him plumb to whur you live." "I wasn't home," said Florence. "I was over here." "Then you mus' 'a' made you'se'f mighty skimpish, 'cause I ain't seen you!" "Nobody saw me.

He continued to pray, not relaxing a hair. "Listen to me, dog," said Kitty Silver. "Is you a dog, or isn't you a dog? Whut is you, anyway?" But immediately she withdrew the question. "I ain't astin' you!" she exclaimed superstitiously. "If you isn't no dog, don't you take an' tell me whut you is: you take an' keep it to you'se'f, 'cause I don' want to listen to it!"

Now his decision was made, and he touched her softly with the ends of his fingers. "Madame Delphine, I want you to go at 'ome Go at 'ome." "Wad you goin' mague?" she asked. "Nottin'. But go at 'ome. Kip quite; don put you'se'f sig. I goin' see Ursin. We trah to figs dat aw fo' you." "You kin figs dad!" she cried, with a gleam of joy. "We goin' to try, Madame Delphine. Adieu!" He offered his hand.

"We know all the knots you can show us, Ben, and perhaps a good many more," grunted Percival. "The boat was tied all right, but " "Wha' was yo' goin' to say, sah?" asked Bucephalus. "Some one untied it," said Percival. "Who brought it back, Buck?" "Ah donno, sah, Ah didn' saw dem, othahwise Ah could identify de pussons. Have yo' any ideah as to deir pussonality you'se'f, sah?"

"Servez-vous! He'p you'se'f! Eat much you like; till you swell up!" Even he asked no questions.

You des' make you'se'f at home an' I'll step in de kitchen an' cook you a ash-cake in a jiffy. Billy, you pick me some nice, big cabbage leaves to bake it in whilst I'm mixin' de dough, an' den go an' git de butter-milk an' a pat o' dat butter I made dis mornin' out'n de spring."

He gave the low-down Choctaw dis old rat-hole; he give Belles Demoiselles to you gran-fozzer; and now you don't be satisfait. What I'll do wid Belles Demoiselles? She'll break me in two years, yass. And what you'll do wid old Charlie's house, eh? You'll tear her down and make you'se'f a blame old fool. I rather wouldn't trade!"

"If you'll not b'lieve what I told, den you go'n' see for you'se'f." "What is it?" "De track, seh." "What track? Wolves?" "If it was only wolfs!" "Confound you! can't you say what it is?" "Eet's de It ain't safe for told its name out loud, for dass de way it come if it's call by its name!" "Windego, eh?" said Tom, laughing. "I'll know its track jus' as quick 's I see it."

"They have never had things to play with like other children, and it makes me cry to watch them." "Ho, ho!" he chuckled, "dis ain'no time for cryin'. Ba gosh! I guess you don' have so much present w'en you was li'l' gal you'se'f, w'at? Mebbe you t'ink I forget you. Wal, I didn't."

"So dey tried to hu't Mistah Jack's boat, did dey? Wha' yo' doin' in it you'se'f, sah? Was yo' goin' to sleep in it?" "Me?" exclaimed the little fellow indignantly. "No indeed. I was looking over the engine to get the hang of it. Jack told me I might. Go to sleep nothing! If I had been asleep I would not have caught these rascals at their dirty work."