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'Hiram, sez she, 'ef yeou'll stay to hum, merry some smart girl, an' kerry on the farm, I'll leave yeou the hull er my fortin. Ef yeou don't, I'll leave every cent on't tew Siah, though he ain't done as waal by me as yeou hev.

"Never yeou mind what I said or done abaout that; but we was married ten minutes arfter, 'fore the kitchen fire, with Dr. Parr an' oaur hired man, fer witnesses; an' then we all went up tew aunt. She was goan fast, but she understood what I told her, hed strength tew fill up the hole in the will, an' to say, a-kissin' Bewlah, 'Yeou'll be a good wife, an' naouw yeou ain't a poor one.

As I neared the bridge I heard the stranger say: "Let me zmell un!" and to his nose was the lead presented by a trained man of the King's Navy. "I'll tell 'ee where to goo, if yeou'll tell your donkey-man what to du. I'm no hand wi' steam."

Neow, yeou'll skasely believe it," he continued, "but it's tre-u, that ef yeou were tew hea-ar me talk at the end of a week, yeou'd he-ardly realise that I was an Amurican at all." "Cray, how can ye?" exclaimed Aunt Christie, "and so wan as ye look this morning too." "Seen my brother?" inquired Crayshaw meekly. "No, I have not," said Miss Crampton bridling. "He's merried.

As the bed lay remote from the few beaten paths of the thinly populated country, it would involve considerable hard work and time to get passable roads cut through, so as to be able to draw loads of any size. "By gosh!" drawled Plum Plucky, as they set out on their work, "I'm going to stand by yeou; but yeou may hang my hat on a scare-crow if I don't think yeou'll blow yerself dry."

'Hiram, sez she, 'ef yeou'll stay tew hum, merry some smart gal, an' kerry on the farm, I'll leave yeou the hull er my fortin. Ef yeou don't, I'll leave every cent on't tew Siah, though he ain't done as waal by me as yeou hev.

'Joe, says I, 'I reskered part of your belongin's. It looks ter me as though yeou'll hev time an' to spare to take this fiddle to the city an' raffle it off. But 'fore ye do that, what'll ye take for the fiddle lowest cash price? "'Jest what it cost me, Walky, says Joe. 'One hundred dollars. "'No, Joe; it didn't cost ye that, says I. 'I mean what yeou put into it yerself.

Morris," said the officer, "your wife has agreed to keep my letters for me " "Yaas," broke in the postmaster. "I know'd she would. Yeou'll find she'll dew it right, tew. Nobody can't come enny tricks on her can they, Sue? I wish one o' 'em durn'd deetecters would come around, jest tew see heow she'd pull the wool over 'im.

"They'm better to Northam more rich, laike an' us gets them give back again," he said, while McTurk solemnly waltzed Mother Yeo out of breath, and Beetle told Mary the sad news, as they sat down to clotted cream, jam, and hot bread. "Yiss. Yeou'll niver zee us no more, Mary. We're goin' to be passons an' missioners." "Steady the Buffs!" said McTurk, looking through the blind.

"Come on, Eph," he said, slipping an arm through Gallup's, "let's you and Oi go for a warruk. You nade it, my bhoy you nade it." "If yeou'll jest take me daown to the lake and kick me in, I'll be much obleeged to ye, Barney," said the Vermonter. "It's moighty bad you're faling, Oi dunno?" "By gum! I oughter feel bad. Yeou heard Frank talking about jest sech gol-dinged chumps as I be.