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"Hegh, sirs!" said the poor mother, "wha is that can be coming in that gate e'enow? They canna hae heard o' our misfortune, I'm sure." The knock being repeated, she rose and opened the door, saying querulously, "Whatna gait's that to disturb a sorrowfu' house?" A tall man in black stood before her, whom she instantly recognised to be Lord Glenallan.

Mount and ride to the Carewoodrig. The word's frae Branksome. I've but Ranklehope to raise, and then me and William's Tam will be on the road to join ye." "Whatna fray?" Sim asked blankly. "Ninemileburn. Bewcastle's marching. They riped the place at cockcrow, and took twenty-six kye, five horse and a walth o' plenishing.

A' can hardly believe it. Eh, I was feared o' thae High School lads. They had terrible advantages. Maisters frae England, and tutors, and whatna', but Drumtochty carried aff the croon. It'll be fine reading in the papers Humanity. Greek. "It'll be michty," cried Whinnie, now fairly on fire. "And Philosophy and Mathematics to come. Geordie's no bad at Euclid, I'll wager he'll be first there too.

At two in the afternoon Gourlay was standing on the gravel outside the Red Lion, trying to look wise over a sample of grain which a farmer had poured upon his great palm. Gibson approached with false voice and smile. "Gosh, Mr. Gourlay!" he cried protestingly, "have ye forgotten whatna day it is? Ye havena gi'en my men a ton o' stuff to gang on wi'."

God send it prosperity." "It isna likely, Jenny; auld Lady Brith's money to start it! The godless auld woman! If Davie taks her advice, he's a gane lad." "Then, deacon, it's your ain fault. Whatna for did ye not gie him the £2,000?" "Just hear the woman! It taks women and lads to talk o' £2,000 as if it were picked up on the planestanes."

"Yes?" inquired the other, enjoying his discomfiture. Gourlay lowered. "Whatna gate was this to gang on? Why couldn't he let a blatter out of his thin mouth, and ha' done wi't?" "I'm waiting!" said the lecturer. The words "I apologize" rose in Gourlay, but refused to pass his throat. No, he wouldn't, so he wouldn't!

"Na, na," resumes Jock, "he didna need; he juist repeated the first sentence o' the prayer ower again in an awfu' voice, an' aifter it wes dune, doon he comes to me. 'Whatna prank wes that?" "Wes't nippy?" inquires Bauldie with relish, anticipating the sequel. "Michty," replies Jock; "an' next he taks Dowbiggin. 'Who asked you to join in the prayer? an' ye cud hae heard his yowls on the street.

Whatna for hae ye stayed awa sae lang? I wanted ye sairly last night to go o'er wi' me the points in this debate at our kirk. We are to hae anither session to-night; ye'll come the morn and talk it o'er wi' me?" "I will, Mr. Cameron." But James instantly determined to see Christine that night.

"Losh keep's a', Leeby; ye say that? They maun hae haen a quarrel." "I'm thinkin' we'll hae Mr. Skinner i' the poopit the morn after a'." "It may be, it may be. Ay, ay, look, Leeby, whatna bit kimmer's that wi' the twa jugs in her hand?" "Eh? Ou, it'll be Lawyer Ogilvy's servant lassieky gaen to the farm o' T'nowhead for the milk. She gangs ilka Saturday nicht. But what did ye say twa jugs?

It's but fair, maybe, that whaur his forbears squandered he should gang wi' the little that's to the fore. I mind o' his faither gaun awa at the last hoved up, a fair Jeshurun, his een like to loup oot o' his heid wi' fat, and comin' back a pooked craw frae the dicing and the drink, nae doot amoung the scatter-brained white cockades. Whatna shilpit man's this that Leevie's gotten for her new jo?