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"You!" he muttered. "What How " She twined her fingers together to stop their trembling. "I was riding through the pass," she told him briefly. "I saw your horse and I I was afraid " A faint gleam came into the bloodshot eyes. "My my horse? You mean a a Rocking-R cayuse?" "Yes." He tried to sit up, but the effort turned him so white that the girl cried out protestingly. "You mustn't.

I've got all the evidence I seed." "But " Larry was beginning protestingly, when the doorbell rang again. Maggie opened the door, and there entered Miss Sherwood, with Hunt just behind her, and Dick just behind him, and Casey and Gavegan following these three. All in the room were surprised at this invasion with the sole exception of Joe Ellison. "When Mr.

He had an almost guilty feeling of having broken an unwritten law, of abducting a princess, and the old Duncan house had seemed to frown protestingly that such an act should have taken place under its windows. If Victoria had been to him an ordinary mortal in expensive furs instead of a princess, he would have snapped his fingers at the pomp and circumstance.

"Good gorry!" swore Step-and-a-Half, and whipped out his six-shooter and fired three shots into the air. Footsteps came scurrying. Buddy's mother swept him into her arms, laughing with a little whimpering sound of tears in the laughter. Buddy wriggled protestingly in her arms. "L'kout! Y' all SKUCSH 'im! I got a HAWN-toe; wight here." He patted his chest gloatingly. "An' I got a snake. I kilt 'im.

He looked protestingly from right to left, but in all the group of fisher-folk not a man moved. Were these two women going to fight over the dead? He hummed and hawed and began in a thin piercing voice "My friends " when he was again interrupted by the passionate speech of Mary Bell.

He sends me two hundred dollars a month, and this is all I need for my living." "Do you mean?" His expressive glance swept her well-dressed person and she raised her hand protestingly. "Don't ask too many questions!" she laughed. "Ellen used to be in a great modiste's establishment and knows the tricks of the trade. My dress and table cost me less a year than most women of means spend in a month.

"Perhaps you would have preferred " "No! No!" he interrupted protestingly. "And there is another reason quite as selfish as the last. You see, Mr. Stane, I have been delicately reared; boarding-school, Newnham the usual round you know! London in the season, Scotland in the autumn, and the shires for the hunting months.

He'll have a chance to ramble to the bench in a minute." Phil saw Eliot smile a bit through the meshes of the catching mask, and then, nodding at the signal for a drop, he started the ball high, but gave it the proper twist to bring it shooting down across the batter's shoulders. "Two strikes!" declared the umpire, at which Dingley shook his head protestingly. "My eye!

The spot where this odd encounter took place was some distance from any town, but a bicycle leaning against a tree at the roadside showed how the little man had got there. "Say, would you mind letting us get by?" asked Jack. The little man raised a hand protestingly. "I'll be delighted to in just a moment," he said, "but just now it's impossible.

She waved a jewelled arm towards the splendid animation of the auditorium. "But surely, Emmeline," I cried protestingly, "you didn't 'loathe' that first act. I never heard anything like it. Rosa was simply well, I can't describe it." She gazed at me, and a cloud of melancholy seemed to come into her eyes.