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In recompense for this daily captivity, M. Violette received, at the end of the month, a sum exactly sufficient to secure his household soup and beef, with a few vegetables. In order that his son might attain such a distinguished position, M. Violette's father, a watch-maker in Chartres, had sacrificed everything, and died penniless.

"'My happiness! I exclaimed to the fairy; 'when I have found my mother and my Violette I shall be in possession of all my happiness. "'Believe implicitly what I say. This well contains your happiness and that of Violette. "'Violette's happiness, madam, is to live with me and my mother." "Ah! you replied well," interrupted Violette. "But what said the fairy?"

Thus the "beards," absorbed by such grave speculations, did not trouble themselves about the vanity called literature, and did not care a pin for Amedee Violette's book. Among the long-haired ones, however, we repeat, the emotion was great. They were furious, they were agitated, and bristled up; the first enthusiasm over Amedee Violette's verses could not be lasting and had been only a mere flash.

He took the vial and obeyed the order of his cousin. Their surprise and joy were indescribable on seeing that as soon as the oil touched Violette's forehead the hair disappeared and her skin resumed its original purity and dazzling whiteness.

Then, after having seen Violette's eyes close and sleep take possession of all her senses he lay at her feet and soon slept most profoundly. Violette was the first awake in the morning. She walked around the tree which had sheltered them during the night. Ourson awaked and not seeing Violette he sprang up in an instant and called her name in a voice choking with terror. "I am here!

Peering into the darkness she saw Violette's white robe and she imagined that the poor girl had thrown herself intentionally into the well and there found the death she sought. Passerose screamed loud enough to destroy her lungs. Agnella came slowly forward to know the cause of this alarm. "Be silent, Passerose," cried Ourson in a loud voice; "you are frightening our mother.

But we're going to take some of the flavour out of it before we finish." He tore open a cable message which a boy had brought in. "Now, take this, for instance," he continued. "You remember the sign across the street from Mademoiselle Violette's, announcing that a Mademoiselle Gabrielle was going to open a salon or whatever they call it?

If my men get anything connecting Lang with Mademoiselle Violette's case I'll let you know immediately." It was a bright clear snappy morning, in contrast with the heat of the day before, when we boarded the revenue tug at the Barge Office.

"That is true, my good Passerose; but what purpose would your package have served, if my mother and Violette had perished in the flames?" "Oh, I knew very well that you would not allow them to be burned up alive. Is any one ever in danger when you are present? Is not this the third time you have saved Violette's life?" Violette pressed Ourson's hands tenderly and carried them to her lips.

Was Amedee not dreaming? He, poor Violette's son, the little office clerk his book would be published, and in a month! Readers and unknown friends will be moved by his agitation, will suffer in his suspense; young people will love him and find an echo of their sentiments in his verses; women will dreamily repeat with one finger in his book some favorite verse that touches their hearts!