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And then the music stopped, the Brasserie des Quatre Vents became a glaring reality, and the painted female sipping eau-de-vie at my elbow remarked plaintively, 'Tu n'es pas rigolo, toi. Veux-tu faire une valse? 'I must speak to your musician, I said. 'Excuse me. He had played a bit of Pair's music.

He laughed, and I was glad that I had had the courage to reduce him definitely to the rank of Boissy Minor. "And not only in the breast of an Englishman!" he said. "Mais que veux-tu? One must live." "But I should have thought you could have made a comfortable living out of engineering. In England consulting engineers are princes." "Oh yes!"

But all at once one of them turned round, and said to me angrily: "Veux-tu bien t'en aller, petit espion!" otherwise: "Be off, little spy!" I woke up as it were, looked at him, and to my amazement recognized Gambetta, whom I had seen several times already, when I was with my mentor Brossard at either the Cafe de Suede or the Cafe de Madrid.

But when one of the bearded gentlemen called the princess by the familiar name of Fifine, and the other said, "Veux-tu fumer, Mogador?" and the princess actually took a cigar and began to smoke, Lady Kicklebury was aghast, and trembled; and presently Lord Talboys burst into a loud fit of laughter.

David relinquished her, and the mother took the little trembling creature on her knee. 'Be quiet then, she said to her roughly, always in French, 'I didn't hurt you. There! Veux-tu du gateau? She cut some with eager fingers and held it to Cecile's lips. The child turned away, silently refusing it, the tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Veux-tu bien être sage?" continues the small monitress with much severity, "encore une fois, un, deux, trois!" and she made a little dancing-step backwards; then with an air of encouragement, "Allons, mon amie, du courage!

"Mon ami, veux-tu que je te dis ce que tu a fait; tu a fait encore une vulgarization, une jolie vulgarization, je veux bien, de la note inventée par Millet; tu a ajouté la note claire inventée par Manet, enfin tu suis avec talent le mouvement moderne, voil

This is the natural musical exposition of our complex and various life. This wondrous variety, which indicates possibilities not yet revealed, pleases us without being always clear to our feelings and intellect. Still, we shall not ask, with the Frenchman, "Sonate, que veux-tu?"

My doctors say that in another six weeks I shall be sufficiently recovered to leave. It is a most distressing malady. Mais que veux-tu? I have a suite in the hotel and my own servants. I walk out here into the hall because it's so large. The hotel people do the best they can, but of course " He threw up his hands. His resigned, gentle smile was at once comic and tragic to me.

Mais que veux-tu?... Suis comme ça!" "Je te plains" I put in, so as to return his familiar and flattering "thou" immediately.