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If the disease progresses in its course, unchecked by any remediate means, the cornea may lose its vitality, ulceration commence, and the sight be for ever destroyed by the bursting and discharge of the contents of the eye. 'Causes. Simple canine opthalmia proceeds from many causes, distinct in their character, but all requiring pretty much the same treatment.

The first may form without the aid of bruising in the manipulation of repeated examinations, but the second must be forced by bad management. The latter abscess, I have reason to believe, is the former abscess driven, by repeated manipulations, to burrow downwards instead of opening into the cocum. Fecal abscess, arising from ulceration of the colon, may be mistaken for appendicitis.

This is observed chiefly in chronic disease of pyogenic or tuberculous origin, and is usually attended with the formation of abscesses outside the joint. Ulceration of cartilage and caries of the articular surfaces are common accompaniments of the more serious and progressive forms of joint disease, especially those of bacterial origin.

In cases of persistent or relapsing gummatous disease with ulceration of skin, it is often necessary to remove the diseased soft parts with the sharp spoon and scissors, and to gouge or chisel away the unhealthy bone, on the same lines as in tuberculous disease.

Now and then, severe inflammation of the gums occurs, in which they become extremely swollen; and ulceration takes place of the gum just above where the tooth should come through, and even around some of those which have already appeared. These are cases in which lancing the gums would do nothing but mischief.

Is there a reader who can't conceive of the terrible suffering that must come from such a state of the bowels, The pain is not from the spot inflamation, or ulceration, or the forming abscess, whichever is the exciting cause of all this trouble; for, if it wore, the pain would not stop in three days, or after the patient has been fasted long enough for the peristaltic movements to subside side.

When he was young, he was attacked by an ulceration destroying every vestige of this member. The epiglottis, larynx, and pharynx, in fact the surrounding structures were normal, and articulation, which was at first lost, became fairly distinct, and deglutition was never interfered with.

Although the application I have mentioned in the case of Mary Hearn proved sufficient to check the progress of ulceration and prevent any secondary symptoms, yet, after the pustule has duly exerted its influence, I should prefer the destroying it quickly and effectually to any other mode.

This fermenting gas is the home of the bacillus, and from it millions of germs are multiplied and pass into the circulation. In this fermentation a peculiar worm is bred, which is the cause of ulceration in the bowels of typhoid patients. To give physic in a typhoid fever case is a grave mistake. Instead of assisting Nature, it more probably hastens the death of the patient.

There remained a superficial ulceration of the size of half-a-crown. I applied the lunar caustic lightly over the surface of the sore, and then the gold-beater's skin. On the following day, an adherent eschar had formed, and in five days more it dropped off leaving the ulcer quite healed. Mr. C. aged 51, scalded his leg ten days ago on the instep. He applied ointments and poultices.