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"Yes-when you marry," the Cardinal repeated, with conviction. "You are a young woman you are twenty-eight years old. You will, marry. It is only right that you should marry. You have not the vocation for a religious. Therefore you must marry. But it will be a great loss to the house of Udeschini." "Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof," said Beatrice, laughing again.

"Benedicat te Omnipotens Deus, Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus," he said, making the Sign of the Cross. Up at the castle, Cardinal Udeschini was walking backwards and forwards on the terrace, reading his Breviary. Beatrice was seated under the white awning, at the terrace-end, doing some kind of needlework.

Presently the Cardinal came to a standstill near her, and closed his book, putting his finger in it, to keep the place. "It will be, of course, a great loss to Casa Udeschini, when you marry," he remarked. Beatrice looked up, astonishment on her brow. "When I marry?" she exclaimed. "Well, if ever there was a thunderbolt from a clear sky!" And she laughed.

It had been conferred upon him informally by the populace of the Roman slum in which his titular church, St. Mary of the Lilies, was situated: the little Uncle of the Poor. As Italians measure wealth, Cardinal Udeschini was a wealthy man. What with his private fortune and official stipends, he commanded an income of something like a hundred thousand lire.

His Eminence the Lord Prince Cardinal Udeschini was here this afternoon." "What!" gasped Peter. "Ang," said Marietta. "That was Cardinal Udeschini that little harmless-looking, sweet-faced old man!" Peter wondered. "Sicuro the uncle of the Duca," said she. "Good heavens!" sighed he. "And I allowed myself to hobnob with him like a boon-companion." "Gia," said she.

When he came home, fagged out and dusty, at dinner time, Marietta presented a visiting card to him, on her handsomest salver. She presented it with a flourish that was almost a swagger. Twice the size of an ordinary visiting-card, the fashion of it was roughly thus: IL CARDLE UDESCHINI Sacr: Congr: Archiv: et Inscript: Praef: Palazzo Udeschini.

He was a little, unassuming-looking, white haired priest, with a remarkably clever, humorous, kindly face; and he wore a remarkably shabby cassock. The Duchessa's chaplain, Peter supposed. How should it occur to him that this was Cardinal Udeschini? Do they go tramping about the country in the rain, attended by no retinue save a woman and a fourteen-year-old girl?

She was married at nineteen to Baldassarre Agosto, Principe Udeschini, Duca di Santangiolo, Marchese di Castellofranco, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, Knight of the Holy Ghost and of St. A younger brother still is Bishop of Sardagna. Cardinal Udeschini is the uncle. "That, dear child, empties my sack of information.

And above the legend, was pencilled, in a small oldfashioned hand, wonderfully neat and pretty: "To thank Mr. Marchdale for his courtesy in returning my snuff-box." "The Lord Prince Cardinal Udeschini was here," said Marietta. There was a swagger in her accent. There was also something in her accent that seemed to rebuke Peter for his absence.

Beatrice walking with a priest ay, I am not sure it would n't be more accurate to say conspiring with a priest: but you shall judge. They were in a room of the Palazzo Udeschini, at Rome a reception room, on the piano nobile. Therefore you see it: for are not all reception-rooms in Roman palaces alike?