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The Sunday School touches a life just entering maturity at the focal point toward which all nurture has been tending. Enriched by years of absorption, with ideals defined and channels of expression traced, the soul faces an open door, bearing the inscript "Service."

Trembled my own hand as I read them trembled as from a spell of delirium a delirium produced by the antagonistic emotions of grief and joy! Yes! both were present. In that simple inscript I had found cue for both: for there I learnt the ecstatic truth that I was beloved, and along with it the bitter intelligence, that my love was lost to me for ever!

When he came home, fagged out and dusty, at dinner time, Marietta presented a visiting card to him, on her handsomest salver. She presented it with a flourish that was almost a swagger. Twice the size of an ordinary visiting-card, the fashion of it was roughly thus: IL CARDLE UDESCHINI Sacr: Congr: Archiv: et Inscript: Praef: Palazzo Udeschini.

Hist. de l'Acad. des Inscript. Vol. First Published 1768 So incompetent has the generality of historians been for the province they have undertaken, that it is almost a question, whether, if the dead of past ages could revive, they would be able to reconnoitre the events of their own times, as transmitted to us by ignorance and misrepresentation.