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The remaining carcasses were skinned, and the skins lashed upon the sledge, and as they turned homeward Andy remarked: "There's five good skins and they'll bring four dollars apiece whatever. 'Tweren't a bad hunt when we weren't huntin'." "You and Jamie can take the money you get for them and start a bank account," suggested Doctor Joe. "I'll send it to St.

Some folks 'ud stand her out, she said, that 'tweren't worth much, but she knew she could get fifty or a hundred pound or more for't any day she liked to sell, if she took it to the right people. Then she'd soon have the laugh of those that said it were only a daub; and with that she laughed herself, for she were always laughing and always jolly.

'Stand back, men, he says, 'and be ready for 'em with the bay'net. 'Tweren't no manner o' use shooting; 'twere too close in there and our bullets might ha' ricochayed. We soon 'eerd 'em a-coughing. There wur a terrible deal o' smoke, and there wur we a-waiting at top of them stairs for 'em to come up like rats out of a hole.

Then I looked again, and it seemed like a man though I couldn't see his face." "Is that all?" Bitter disappointment rang in Charles's voice. "That might have been me. I was out on the rocks that night, close to Flint House." "'Tweren't you." Thalassa's reply was so low as to be almost inaudible. "I don't know who it was, but I'll take my Bible oath it weren't you." "Who was it then?"

"'Tweren't long before nobody'd think of buyin' a faro layout or a deck of cards elsewhere than at our store, and as for perfumed soap and perfumery, why, I think our feller-citizens must have et the one and drunk the other, for we unloaded by the box and pailful. When we'd count the kitty nights, 'Didn't I tell you? Hadds would holler. 'Put your feet in my tracks and you'll wear diamonds!

There's nary a thing I could ever do to make up to you for savin' Jamie's eyes. You made un as good as new. He'd ha' been stone blind now if 'tweren't for you and the mercy o' God." "The mercy of God," Doctor Joe repeated reverently. And here at the end of six weeks was Doctor Joe back again.

He was one of the hundred and forty-six thrown into the Black Hole. "'Tis only by the mercy of the Almighty I'm here today," he said solemnly. "I saw what 'twould be as soon as the door of that Black Hole was locked, and me and some others tried to force it. 'Tweren't no good. Mr.

Don't matter much to I now if I have lost a hundred pound. 'Tis only my luck, and if 'tweren't lost there, 'twould just as like be lost somewhere else. Go in and wash thyself, and get summat to eat; and if I forgive 'ee this time, don't 'ee ever touch the drink again.

As for Marshall, we're all used to him, but he must strike strangers as right down peculiar-looking. I've known him ever since he was ten he's about fifty now and I like him. Him and me was out cod-fishing today. That's about all I'm good for now catching trout and cod occasional. But 'tweren't always so not by no manner of means. I used to do other things, as you'd admit if you saw my life-book."

'Tweren't the women neither that tarred and feathered him Marblehead women don't act that way 'twas a passel o' men an' boys, an' they carted him araound town in an old dory till the bottom fell aout, and Ireson he told 'em they'd be sorry for it some day.