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His negotiations were foiled by the frenzy of the one country and the pride of the other. At home his enemies assailed him with a storm of abuse. Pope and Johnson alike lent their pens to lampoon the minister. Ballad-singers trolled out their rimes to the crowd on "the cur-dog of Britain and spaniel of Spain."

Sachs' song is merrily trolled out, but underneath its joviality we feel the greatness of the man a man so great in character that no suits of shining armour, no heralds and no waving banners are needed to make him impressive: he remains, even while he works at his last and sings a sort of club-dinner song, the simple cobbler-poet, great by reason of his sincerity and his artist-soul.

Then he and Adam rose early and trolled for lunge in deep water under the cliff. In the afternoon they all plunged into the lake, Eva swimming like a cardinal-flower afloat. Adam was careful to keep near her, and finally to help her into the boat, where she sat with her scarlet bathing-dress shining in the sun and her drenched hair curling in an arch around her face.

It shall take bot two or tree days to do my duty. I shall not be long." "A day or two of sober duty, Then, Hoch! for London, home, and beauty!" trolled the Count pleasantly. The Baron did not echo the "Hoch"; but after retaining his thoughtful expression for a few moments, a smile stole over his face, and he remarked in an absent voice "Vun does not alvays need to go home to find beauty."

Moved to rapid on south shore where there is some trout fishing, and hard place to be wind bound. Must fish a few days and get grub ahead for our long portage back to Namaycush Lake. Ate last bit of bacon at noon, cut in three pieces and boiled with rice and a little flour. Boys trolled in P.M. I made camp and fished brook. Too cold. They lost two good namaycush. I took two 10-inch trout.

But during the day Jonas trolled whenever the water made trolling possible, hopefully spitting on the hook each time he cast it over, casting always from the right hand and muttering Fish! Fish! Fish! three times for each venture. Yet no other fish responded to Na-che's charm that day. But the river treated them kindly.

Harry, without hesitation, recognised his friend's right to demand a return, and he instantly trolled forth, in a deep, sweet, and sonorous voice, the following: SONG. "Ho, boys, I have a song divine! Come, let us now in concert join, And toast the bonny banks of Boyne The Boyne of 'Glorious Memory.

Owing to this trait, some artificial minnows with one or two hooks at the caudal end, are very killing when he will take them. Lake, or salmon trout, may be trolled for successfully with the above lure; but I do not much affect fishing for them.

"The south winds blow, the waters flow, His sail is in the sun; Though twenty storms between us go, His heart and mine are one," sang Éloise, in jubilant response at her safety, and Marlboro', fain to follow, echoed the air they trolled.

Gladstone was late later than Mortlake, who was cheered to the echo when he arrived, some one starting "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow," as if it were a political meeting. Gladstone came in just in time to acknowledge the compliment. The noise of the song, trolled out from iron lungs, had drowned the huzzahs heralding the old man's advent.