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Strange tales are told of those hills, and of what they contain in their deep recesses, for they are a broad chain, and you may wander days and days amongst them without coming to any termino. Many have lost themselves on those hills, and have never again been heard of.

A learned physician of Holland named Johan van Beverwyck took the trouble to write De Termino Vitae and to collect sundry answers, letters and discourses of some learned men of his time on this subject. This collection has been printed, and it is astonishing to see there how often people are misled, and how they have confused a problem which, properly speaking, is the easiest in the world.

and the Pope stood erect, Himself a pallor in the heart of light, with spectral folds of silk dripping from His shoulders, His hands swathed in them, and His down-bent head hidden by the silver-rayed monstrance and That which it bore.... ... Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in patria .... ... They were moving now, and the world of life swung with them; of so much was he aware.

This is the worm that dieth not and the fire that is not quenched. "Sine termino, sine termino!" Wearily, patiently, he went through his part in the remaining ceremonies, fulfilling mechanically, from old habit, the rites that had no longer any meaning for him.

And the voices of the singers rang on, pealing under the arches and echoing along the vaulted roof: "Uni trinoque Domino Sit sempiterna gloria: Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in patria." "Sine termino sine termino!" Oh, happy Jesus, Who could sink beneath His cross! Oh, happy Jesus, Who could say: "It is finished!" This doom is never ended; it is eternal as the stars in their courses.


It seems as though we are so accustomed to games and jesting that we play the fool even in the most serious occupations, and when we least think to do so. I fear that in the recent dispute between the theologians of the Augsburg Confession, De Termino Paenitentiae Peremptorio, which has called forth so many treatises in Germany, some misunderstanding, though of a different nature, has slipped in.

Caballero, there is not another such range in Spain; they have their secrets too their mysteries strange tales are told of those hills, and of what they contain in their deep recesses, for they are a broad chain, and you may wander days and days amongst them without coming to any termino. Many have lost themselves on those hills, and have never again been heard of.