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"No, indeed! That'd be highly improper," smirked Ruby Lee. Then Abe went stamping to the stairway, saying sullenly: "All right. I'll give yew all the money yew want fer advertisin', an' yew kin say he'll be clothed an' dressed proper, tew, an' supplied with terbaccer an' readin'-matter besides; but jest wait till the directors read that advertisement!

"It's a path of thorns just now," muttered Lambert moodily. "Not for long, sir; not for long. I come to put the crooked straight and to raise a lamp to banish the dark. Very good this white satin is," said Mother Cockleshell irrelevantly, and alluding to the gin. "And terbaccer goes well with it, as there's no denying.

It was true that there were no outcroppings of coal at the place, and the people at Ilium said he "mought as well dig for plug terbaccer there;" but Philip had great faith in the uniformity of nature's operations in ages past, and he had no doubt that he should strike at this spot the rich vein that had made the fortune of the Golden Briar Company.

"It's full o' arrows, or pretty near it, I reckin." "It is. Well?" "Wal, then, let some o' us ride the Injun's mustang: any other critter thet's got the same track 'll do; away down the 'Pash trail, an' stick them things pointin' south'art; an' if the Navagh don't travel that a way till they comes up with the 'Pashes, 'ee may have this child's har for a plug o' the wust Kaintucky terbaccer."

If you have any time left over, put new papers on the shelves out front, and clean up and fix the show winder. Don't stand round gabbin' with Cephas, and see't he don't waste time that's paid for by me. Tell him he might clean up the terbaccer stains round the stove, black it, and cover it up for the summer if he ain't too busy servin' cust'mers."

He came out of his reverie in good time to avoid injury to his host's feelings. "It is admirable," he assured him promptly. "Do you cure it yourself or does it come up the river from Kentucky?" "Comes from Kentucky. We don't have much luck tryin' to raise terbaccer in these parts." Whereupon Mr.

"Here, Carstor Hoil," cried one of the smiths' strikers, "how much oil will you take for a chew of terbaccer?" "Teaspoonful?" "No, two." "All right; let's see the chew, first." "Oh, you'll get it. What yer frighten' of?... Come on, chaps, 'n' see Bill drink oil." Bill measured out some machine oil and drank it.

"Do you happen to have a hunk of deer meat? Game powerful scarce comin' up this valley." "Lots of deer an' elk higher up. I chased a bunch of more'n thirty, I reckon, right out of my pasture this mornin'." Blair crossed to an open shed near by and returned with half a deer haunch, which he tied upon Wade's pack-horse. "My ole woman's ailin'. Do you happen to hev some terbaccer?

Now, Eliza's tryin' to make me act like a cat, an' me hatin' cats wuss'n pison. There's setch a thing as bein' too danged clean, don't you think so? Sort o' takes the self-respect away from a man. Makes you feel as if you'd ort to have petticoats on in place o' pants. How do you like that terbaccer?"

Be sensible." "It ain't matterin' a chaw o' terbaccer ter me whether he dies er not, but he's got a right ter die in a natural way, so to speak." "An' how is that, my Sunday-school friend?" "In a fair fight, by gosh!" "An' who's goin' ter give him a fair fight? I don't want none o' it." "So that's ther way yer built, is it, Bill? I always thought yer was a game man."