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Take best white Jamaica ginger root bruised 2 oz., water 6 quarts, boil 20 minutes and strain, then add cream tartar 1 oz., white sugar 1 lb.; put on the fire, then stir until all the sugar is dissolved; then put into an earthen jar, now put in tartaric acid 1/4 oz., and the rind of 1 lemon, let it stand until 70 degrees of Fahrenheit, or until you can bear your hand in it with comfort, then add two tablespoonsful of yeast, stir well, bottle for use, and tie the corks; make a few days before it is wanted for use.

Take of mixture of ammoniacum 4 oz., syrup of squill 3 drms., antimonial wine 60 drops, wine 1/2 oz., mix and cork. Give two tablespoonsful often, or when either the cough or shortness of breath is troublesome. Take of ammoniated tinc. of quack 1/2 oz., honey 1/2 oz., camphor water 6 oz., mix and cork.

Take of ammoniated tinc. of guaiac 6 drms., camphor water 6 ozs., tinc. of rhubarb 1/2 oz., and honey 1/2 oz.; mix, by rubbing the honey and the guaiac up in a glass mortar, and then add the other articles by degrees. Give two tablespoonsful every four or six hours, and rub with the anti-rheumatic liniment.

Take two tablespoonsful three or four times a day in chronic rheumatism; rub well the affected part with anti-rheumatic liniment. Take of tinc. of opium 2 oz., tinc. of belladonna 2 oz., powdered camphor 2 oz., oil of turpentine 2 oz., oil of sassafras 2 oz., oil of origanum 2 oz., and tinc. of capsicum 1 pint; mix all together.

If you use the juice of lemon, add 1-1/2 lbs., of sugar to a pint; you do not need any tartaric acid with it; now use 2 or 3 tablespoonsful of syrup to 3/4 of a tumbler of water, and 1/3 teaspoonsful of supercarbonate of soda made fine, stir well and be ready to drink; the gum arabic, however, holds the carbonic acid so it will not fly off so readily as common soda.

For painful affections of the joints, as chronic rheumatism, &c., hops dipped in hot vinegar will answer as well. Take of flaxseed tea or cornmeal gruel, from one to two pints, sweet oil 2 or 3 ounces, common salt one teaspoonful, brown sugar two tablespoonsful; mix. Take of a solution of starch in water, of jelly, or water half a pint, laudanum forty drops; mix.

In madame's handwriting underneath stood, "For my troublesome heart." Only about two tablespoonsful were left. Leam took the bottle in one hand, the other thrust itself mechanically into her hair.

Take of peppermint water 5 oz., wine 6 drachms, sweet spirits of nitre 1/2 oz.; mix. Two tablespoonsful to be taken three times a-day in obstruction of urinary passages. Take of acetated liquor of ammonia 3 oz., ipecacuanha 10 gr., tincture of oil of peppermint 15 drops, distilled water 5 oz.; mix. Three tablespoonsful to be taken every two hours, until it produces the desired effects.

She took up the bottle containing the stomach medicine, and read the directions on it: 'Two tablespoonsful by measure-glass twice a day. I asked if she had a measure-glass; and she said, Yes, and sent me to her bedroom to look for it. I couldn't find it. While I was looking, I heard her cry out, and ran back to the drawing-room to see what was the matter. 'Oh! she says, 'how clumsy I am!

Even in later days Frank T. Bullen was able to write: "I have often seen the men break up a couple of biscuits into a pot of coffee for their breakfast, and after letting it stand a minute or two, skim off the accumulated scum of vermin from the top maggots, weevils, etc to the extent of a couple of tablespoonsful, before they could shovel the mess into their craving stomachs."