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I bet you hated to give up that good ole horn, Penrod." But Penrod was serene. He was even a little superior. "Pshaw!" he said. "I'm goin' to learn to play on sumpthing better'n any ole horn. It's lots better, because you can carry it around with you anywhere, and you couldn't a horn." "What is it?" Sam asked, not too much pleased by Penrod's air of superiority and high content.

"You know that nothing of yours would be in Margaret's room, Penrod, don't you?" "Ma'am?" "What was it you wanted?" she asked, rather impatiently. "I was just lookin' for some pins." "Very well," she said, and handed him two from the shoulder of her blouse. "I ought to have more," he said. "I want about forty." "What for?" "I just want to MAKE sumpthing, Mamma," he said plaintively. "My goodness!

But he was in a predicament, and he knew that if he became more explicit, Sam could establish with undeniable logic those rights about which he had been so odious the day before. Such triumph for Sam was not within Roddy's power to contemplate; he felt that he would rather die, or sumpthing. "I got to have that horn!" he reiterated woodenly.

"What have you 'got' to tell her?" "It's it's sumpthing I forgot to tell her." "Well, it will keep till she comes downstairs," Mr. Schofield said grimly. "You sit down till this meal is finished." Penrod was becoming frantic. "I got to tell her it's sumpthing Sam's mother told me to tell her," he babbled. "Didn't she, Sam? You heard her tell me to tell her; didn't you, Sam?"

Sam rose and joined his friend in the doorway opening upon the two stalls. Whitey had preëmpted the nearer, and was hungrily nuzzling the old frayed hollows in the manger. "May be a hundred dollars or sumpthing?" Sam asked in a low voice. Penrod maintained his composure and repeated the new-found expression which had sounded well to him a moment before.

I had to take two bottles and a half of it." "What did you haf to take it for?" "I got nervous, or sumpthing," said Penrod. "You all well again now?" "I guess so. Uncle Passloe and cousin Ronald came to visit, and I expect she got too busy to think about it, or sumpthing. Anyway, she quit makin' me take it, and said I was lots better. She's forgot all about it by this time."

"I bet he does sumpthing, too." Maurice shook his head ominously. "Well, I'm gettin' tired of it. I know he was the one stuck that cold fried egg in P'fesser Bartet's overcoat pocket at dancin'-school, and ole p'fesser went and blamed it on me.

'I come to torment you! he says, 'you Old Sumpthing! and begins at me.... No human being could ever have been called such things before. It made me cry out. 'And now, he says, 'just to show I ain't afraid of 'urting you, he says, and ups and twists my wrist." Mr. Polly gasped. "I could stand even his vi'lence," said the plump woman, "if it wasn't for the child." Mr.

Marching up and down before the cottage across the alley, Verman plainly considered himself to be an army. Hanging from his shoulders by a string was an old tin wash-basin, whereon he beat cheerily with two dry bones, once the chief support of a chicken. Thus he assuaged his ennui. "Verman, come on in here," Penrod called. "I got sumpthing for you to do you'll like awful well."

"I expect it'd got away from pretty near anybody, 'specially if they didn't know much about cats. Listen at him, in the box, Sam. I bet you never heard a cat growl as loud as that in your life. I shouldn't wonder it was part panther or sumpthing." Sam began to feel more interest and less resentment.