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By this unfortunate event all previous arrangements regarding our future proceedings were anulled. It had been intended by Captain Stanley to return to England by way of Singapore and the Cape of Good Hope, adding to the charts of the Inner Passage as we went along the east coast of Australia, and making a careful survey of the Strait of Alass, between the islands of Lombock and Sumbawa.

This lake of fire increased in size by the same process till in the end it took possession of the island and forced all the inhabitants to flee to more hospitable shores. But of the East Indian Islands Sumbawa, lying east of Java, contains the most formidable volcano one indeed scarcely without a rival in the world. This is named Tomboro.

Notwithstanding this, he was prepared, should it become necessary, to undertake the voyage, and either to steer to the south of Java, or to run through one of the numerous passages between the islands to the east of that island, and so to reach Batavia. His belief was that the Marie had been wrecked on an island to the south of Floris or Sumbawa, at no great distance probably from Timor.

With the great island of Borneo as a solid, non-volcanic central core, a line of volcanic islands extends from Chedooba off the coast of Pegu through Sumatra, Java, Sumbawa, Flores, and, reaching the Moluccas, stretches northwards through the Philippines into Japan and Kamtschatka.

The Macassar government, including parts of the islands of Celebes and Sumbawa. The Molucca Islands, and some detached outlying posts on several other islands. The south-west half of Timor, and the neighbouring small islands. To these may be added the recent conquests in the island of Bali.

Volcanoes of Java Papandayang Mountain Ingulfed Great Destruction of Life and Property Galoen-gong Destructive Eruption Mount Merapia Great Eruption, with Hurricane Another, very destructive Mud Volcano Crater of Tankuban-Prahu Island of Sumbawa Volcano of Tomboro Terrific Eruption Timor A Volcano quenches itself Cleaving of Mount Machian Sangir Destructive Eruption Bourbon.

They are now Mahometans in Java, but Brahmins in Bali and Lombock. The Bugis are the inhabitants of the greater parts of Celebes, and there seems to be an allied people in Sumbawa. They speak the Bugis and Macassar languages, with dialects, and have two different native characters in which they write these. They are all Mahometans.

On the 20th April, symptoms of dysentery showed themselves amongst the crews. Two days later therefore the vessel set sail, and it took seven good days to get beyond the straits of Madura. They returned along the north coast of Lombok, and passed through the Allas Straits, between Lombok and Sumbawa.

A curving line, marked out by scores of active, and hundreds of extinct, volcanoes may be traced through the whole length of Sumatra and Java, and thence by the islands of Bali, Lombock, Sumbawa, Flores, the Serwatty Islands, Banda, Amboyna, Batchian, Makian, Tidore, Ternate, and Gilolo, to Morty Island.

"We will have a look at the chart, and ascertain how far off the land is," said Lord Reginald. Going below, he and Voules eagerly examined the chart. No islands appeared for some distance ahead. To the northward, was the east end of Java, with Bali, Sumbawa, and Floris, extending in a long line beyond it.