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Volcanoes of Java Papandayang Mountain Ingulfed Great Destruction of Life and Property Galoen-gong Destructive Eruption Mount Merapia Great Eruption, with Hurricane Another, very destructive Mud Volcano Crater of Tankuban-Prahu Island of Sumbawa Volcano of Tomboro Terrific Eruption Timor A Volcano quenches itself Cleaving of Mount Machian Sangir Destructive Eruption Bourbon.

Cloves, although they are said originally to have been the produce of Machian, or Bachian, a small island far to the eastward, and only fifteen miles to the northward of the line, and to have been from thence disseminated by the Dutch, at their first coming into these parts, over all the eastern islands, are now confined to Amboina, and the small isles that lie in its neighbourhood; the Dutch having, by different treaties of peace between them and the conquered kings of all the other islands, stipulated, that they should have only a certain number of trees in their dominions; and in future quarrels, as a punishment for disobedience and rebellion, lessened the quantity, till at last they left them no claim to any.

His capture by the Spanish of Ternate, the taking of the Spanish fort at Machian the place "most abounding in cloves of all the Moluccas" and other operations on land and sea followed. The expedition finally left Ternate on August 3, 1608, and by way of Bantam, reached Holland August 6, 1609, with a portion of its vessels. The few years succeeding, events came thick and fast.

Its chief result was the capture of the Spanish fort at Machian and the two captures of the commander, who finally died in prison at Manila. The expedition sailed April 20, 1606, and shortly afterward began to have trouble with the Portuguese.

But in the year 1637 there took place a great eruption of the mountain, which ended in its being gobbled up whole and entire, leaving nothing behind it but a lake, in which its fires were quenched, and which now occupies its place. To the north of Timor lie the Molucca Islands, several of which are volcanic. In one of them, named Machian, there occurred in the year 1646 an extraordinary event.