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It was the gold mined in those nine days, some one hundred and thirty dollars in value. Thereafter the boys played miners and stage-robbers and wild West generally, with sheet gold in the guise of yellow envelopes hidden away between the leaves of books to represent gold mines. Two of a Kind

And Breckenbridge learned before he had gone very many miles that the badly wanted horse was headed in the direction of the McLowery ranch. The McLowery boys were members of the Clanton gang of rustlers and stage-robbers. It did not need a Sherlock Holmes to figure out the probabilities of where that horse was being pastured now. Breckenbridge pressed on to the McLowery place.

And Jeff Davis and the other criminals ought to have been hanged, just as those stage-robbers ought to be." "Don't you see, my friend," replied the minister, "that violence breeds violence?" "Then," rather scornfully, "you think Will Cummins did wrong to defend his property?" "He would have been alive to-day if he hadn't." "But that's not the point. Will Cummins died for a principle.

This was the only attempt which was ever made upon the treasure; for Turk gained such a reputation by the deed, that it was questionable whether, had he accompanied the pack-mules as their sole escort to Sacramento, the bravest stage-robbers in the district would have ventured to interfere with them.

To this day they tell how Ringo's passing was the beginning of the end; how Curly Bill vanished soon afterward; how the stage-robbers and rustlers became disorganized and were no longer any match for the law-and-order faction.

His attack single-handed upon the four stage-robbers had rendered him quite a noted character, and he was warmly greeted upon his arrival. As soon as he had got to the wooden shanty dignified by the name of the "hotel," a deputation waited upon him.

And inasmuch as you collected that sum in advance last autumn at Garlock, your signature to the assignment, before a notary who is waiting in the next room, is all that we require to terminate this interview." "But I told you I came here to compromise." "I understand fully. Those are my terms. Your water right on Cottonwood lake in return for your freedom. Stage-robbers cannot be choosers, Mr.

They had gone but a little way when sudden apprehension caused the fat lady to grasp Mary’s arm. Miss Carmichael turned, expecting mountain-lions, rattlesnakes, or stage-robbers, but none of these casualties had come to pass. "Land sakes! Here we be parading round the prairie, and I never found out how that man cooked his coffee." "What difference does it make, if we can drink it?"

"We have come," the leader of the party said, "to congratulate you in the name of the hull of this mining camp on having pretty well cleared out that gang of stage-robbers.

"Mexico is a good country for a cattleman," Sanders said, looking straight at him. Shorty met him eye to eye. "So I've been told." "Good range and water-holes. Stock fatten well." "Yes." "A man might do worse than go there if he's worn out this country." "Stage-robbers and rustlers right welcome, are they?" asked Shorty hardily. "No questions asked about a man's past if his present is O.K."