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Some were accused of polytheism, others of heresy; some of sodomy, others of amours with holy women; some of unlawful intercourse, others of attempts at sedition; some of favouring the Green faction, others of high treason, or any other charge that could be brought against them. On his own responsibility he made himself heir not only of the dead, but also of the living, as opportunity offered.

Conscience, thus reinforced by religious passion, has been able to focus a general abhorrence on certain great scandals slavery and sodomy could be practically suppressed among Christians, and drunkenness among Moslems. The Christian principle of charity also owed a part of its force to Hebraic tradition. For the law and the prophets were full of mercy and loving kindness toward the faithful.

And into that sea sunk the five cities by wrath of God; that is to say, Sodom, Gomorrah, Aldama, Zeboim, and Zoar, for the abominable sin of sodomy that reigned in them. But Zoar, by the prayer of Lot, was saved and kept a great while, for it was set upon a hill; and yet sheweth thereof some part above the water, and men may see the walls when it is fair weather and clear.

"Here is the flower of them all: "'These priests, in their baseness, often go so far as to celebrate the mass with great hosts which then they cut through the middle and afterwards glue to a parchment, similarly cloven, and use abominably to satisfy their passions." "Holy sodomy, in other words?" "Exactly." At this moment the bell, set in motion in the tower, boomed out.

Burnet, speaking of the execution of the above Mitchell for the attempt against Sharp, says: Yet Duke Lauderdale had a chaplain, Hickes, afterwards Dean of Worcester, who published a false and partial relation of this matter, in order to the justifying of it Swift. A learned, pious man. Swift. Only sodomy. Burnet. Swift. Anglicê, found guilty.

"The holy and infallible Council," as the Pope called it, brought against the infallible Pope seventy-two charges the murder of Pope Alexander V, rape, adultery, sodomy, incest, simony, corruption, poisoning, denying the resurrection and eternal life, etc., etc.

A cover-glass preparation stained with methylene blue reveals the gonococci lying in pairs within the leucocytes. Trials for =sodomy= and =bestiality= are common at the assizes, but, as they are rarely reported, they fail to attract attention. Sodomy is a crime both in the active and passive agent, unless the latter is a non-consenting party.

Whosoever shall be guilty of Rape,* Polygamy, or Sodomy, * with man or woman, shall be punished, if a man, by castration, if a woman, by cutting through the cartilage of her nose, a hole of one half inch in diameter at the least. * 13 E. 1. c. 34. Forcible abduction of a woman having substance, is felony by 3 H. 7, c 2; 3. Inst. 61; 4 Bl. 208.

Now the greatest part of offenses with us are capital; as if any one be guilty of adultery; if any one force a virgin; if any one be so impudent as to attempt sodomy with a male; or if, upon another's making an attempt upon him, he submits to be so used. There is also a law for slaves of the like nature, that can never be avoided.

If a prisoner committed sodomy or other infamous crime against nature, while in custody, he was castrated, and if he still persisted in committing crimes against nature, he was chloroformed.