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But he didn't; an' they's nothin' else to it. There sits the ol' man, smoothin' his big red beard, singin', 'I'm Fishin' for the Maid I Loves, while he looks at the poor cook, which was washin' up the dishes, for we was through with the mug-up. An' the devil was in his eyes the devil was fair grinnin' in them little blue eyes.

"I know," says he, smoothin' one hand over his bald spot. "Anything else to-day?" There's just a hint of an amused flicker behind the glasses that makes Aunty glare at him suspicious for a second. "No," says she. "Put all those things in two stout bags and tie them carefully." "Yes, Madam," says Woodie.

"'An' what are ye houldin' your head that high for, corp'ril? sez Judy. 'Come in an' thry a cup av tay, she sez, standin' in the doorway. Bein' an ontrustable fool, an' thinkin' av anything but tay, I wint. "'Mother's at canteen, sez Judy, smoothin' the hair av hers that was like red snakes, an' lookin' at me corner-ways out av her green cats' eyes. 'Ye will not mind, corp'ril?

Ganew; but I'm inclined to think it's the Lord's way o' smoothin' things for some o' his children, to let you kind o' slink off," and somehow Elder Kinney fancied he heard little Draxy say, "Oh, sir, let the poor man go." There was something marvelous in his under-current of consciousness of "little Draxy."

Snow smiled feebly at her grandson. "I guess you think we're funny folks, Albert," she said. "But Rachel is one hired help in a thousand and she has to be treated just so." Five minutes later Cap'n 'Lote returned. He shrugged his shoulders and sat down at his place. "All right, Mother, all right," he observed. "I've been heavin' ile on the troubled waters and the sea's smoothin' down.

Why, there is nothin' wrong! And after the coffee, things ain't so bad." "Huh! Sounds all right for a starter. Ladies and them as came with you, I will now spiel the next section." "The wind is makin' my bed for me, Smoothin' the grass where I'm goin' to flop, When the quails roost up in the live-oak tree, And my legs feel like as they want to stop.

An' land knows, it needs some smoothin' out for me." With this I remember that it was as if my own loneliness spoke for me. At my reply Calliope looked at me quickly as if I, too, had opened a door. "Sometimes Thanksgivin' is some like seein' the sun shine when you're feelin' rill rainy yourself," she said thoughtfully.

"Now that wasn't slang nor sarcasm what I was usin'," sez I, smoothin' it over. "That gigantic maid you mentioned is part o' the tale that you don't know yet." "Well, naturally, while they was bein' nursed they both fell in love with her " "With Monody?" I yells. "No, you ijot, with the girl!" Ches was gettin' flustered. "She was a corkin' handsome girl, an' they all called her the Creole Belle.

Some men are born, you see, wi' narves that are for ever screwin' at 'em, an' ticklin' of 'em up; an' other men have narves that always keep smoothin' of 'em down. The last are the pleasantest to have to do with, no doubt, but the others ain't quite so bad as they look sometimes. Their bark is worse than their bite."

It had been rainin' off and on all day, a soft, misty sort o' rain that's good for growin' things, but while they were fillin' up the grave and smoothin' it off, the sun broke out over in the west, and when we turned around to leave the grave there was the brightest, prettiest rainbow you ever saw; and when Milly and Richard got into the old Squire's carriage and rode home with him, that rainbow was right in front of 'em all the way home.