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"Whatsomedever we make out to do four on us ag'inst that there whole enduring army o' their'n has got to be done on the keen jump, with a toler'ble plain hoss-road for the skimper-scamper race when it is done. For, looking it up and down and side to side, we've got to have hosses some o' their hosses, at that.

"And there ain't ne'er a deer-track, ez I knows on, to p'int the way." "Then we must ride eastward and run the risk of pursuit by the Tuckaseges," said I. "Ez I reckon, that's about the long and short of it. And I do everlastedly despise to make that poor little gal jump her hoss and ride skimper-scamper again, when she's been fair living a-horseback for a fortnight."

"The general was right," asserted Grayson. "Look there." He pointed over the treetops that they had now risen above to where columns of Royal Highlanders and Hessian Yagers were hastening forward at double-quick. "You would have had a sharp skimper-scamper hadst been allowed to go another half-mile."

With them gals to hender us we ain't a-going to be in no fettle for a skimper-scamper race with a fresh wheen o' the redskins. Therefore and wherefore, says I, make them chopping-knives o' your'n cut and come again, even to the dividing erpart of soul and marrer." Dick laughed, and, speaking for both of us, said between his teeth that we were not like to be over-merciful.