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They did not care to become Christians, and they killed the Señor's stock. So, finally, the Señor decided to adopt a new course of procedure. He summoned the Indians to a council, as many of them as would come, and informed them that from that time on he and his vaqueros would slay an Indian for every head of cattle that was killed.

That is the first I had to say; and now for the second: do, pray, for Heaven's sake, bear in mind that you are no longer the poor Senor's daughter. He is gone, dear gentleman; and now you are no more than a common slave-girl like myself. The man to whom you belong calls for you; oh, my dear mistress, go at once!

How lively and gay is the prospect that presents itself to the eye-the glittering jewelry and diamonds of the fair senor's and senoritas, casting back the brilliant light, and rivalled in lustre by the sparkle of a thousand eyes of jet. In a centre box of the first tier sits Senorita Isabella Gonzales, with her father, brother, General Harero, and a party of friends.

His sincere and impassioned accent banished all doubt from the peasant's mind. "Then it is really true!" he exclaimed. "The girl had told me something of this, weeping, when I asked her the motive of the señor's visit. I could not believe her at first. Girls are so pretentious! They imagine that every man is running mad after them; so it is really true!"

Even the best rider among the Spanish girls as far south as Paso Robles should not meditate so deeply upon the color of a señor's eyes that she forgets the horse she is riding, especially when the horse is Tejon, whose heart is full of wickedness.

"You need no longer laugh at me for predicting your fate in San Francisco." Miss Keene cast a hurried glance around her, in the faint hope she scarcely knew why that Mr. Hurlstone had overheard the Senor's invitation; nor could she tell why she was disappointed at not seeing him.

"All except one boat-load more, which waits to take your final instructions," said the mate. "The men have growled a little about it," he added, in a lower tone. "They don't want to lose anything, it seems," he continued, with a half sarcastic laugh. Senor Perkins smiled peculiarly. "I am sorry to disappoint them. Who's that in the boat?" he asked suddenly. The mate followed the Senor's glance.

Without a word, he crossed over to the Senor's side. The men hesitated a moment longer, until one, with a strange foreign cry, threw himself on his knees before the Senor, ejaculating, "Pardon! pardon!" The others followed, some impulsively catching at the hand that had just slain their comrade, and covering it with kisses! "Pardon, Patrono we are yours."

He took down his gun, examined the action, slung it over his shoulder and descended from the tower, taking the same road as on the previous afternoon. As he passed Can Mallorquí the barking of the dog brought Margalida and her mother to the door. The men were in a distant field which Pèp was cultivating. The mother, tearful, and with her words broken by sobs, could only grasp the señor's hands.

The Spaniard went on talking rapidly, talking with lips and eyes and gesture. "When you came to Cadiz and took me with you on the small steamer, I did not ask why. I thought it was as Americans are interested in all things or perhaps because the many million pesetas of the Señor's fortune might be affected by changing the map of Europe. No matter. You were interested. It was enough."