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"Small present. Maybe it help." Oliver folded the envelope and put it in a safe pocket. "Thank you," he said. "But, you don't need to give me anything." "You only as rich as what you give away." They stood, not minding the rain. "What are you doing in the States?" Oliver asked. "Teaching one seminar at the University of California, Berkeley. I go back, now." He turned toward the path. "Teach?"

"Excuse me." The elderly woman who had been directly in front of him as they walked around the room was blocking his way. "Are you Arthur Wells? Dr. Arthur Wells?" "Why, yes." He raised his eyebrows modestly. "Forgive me for intruding," she said. "My niece insisted that I ask. She saw you last week when she picked me up. She thinks she had a seminar with you once." "Oh dear.

The Blue made use of the short, snappy English style of text-book, while Harvard pinned its faith to the more deliberate German seminar system. After the contest captains for the following year were elected. Yale chose Bridgman, who did splendid work on Corneille and the poets of the Pléiade, while Harvard's choice fell on Butterworth, probably the best intercollegiate expert on Cervantes.

The Saturday seminar was over. The door below opened, and the students came out, Father at the head, very tall, very straight, his ruddy hair shining in the late afternoon sun, his shirt-sleeves rolled up over his arms, and a baseball in his hand. "Come on, folks," Sylvia heard him call, as he had so many times before. "Let's have a couple of innings before you go!"

No method of instruction seemed more appropriate than the seminar plan of practical exercises based on concrete instances. The first laboratory experiment was performed in the presence of a Seminar of seven H.D.'s. in a specially called meeting of married professors attired only in bath gowns borrowed from the crews and base ball teams.

During the first term of his secretaryship, from October to December, he carried his full-time University work. From January to May he had a seminar only, as I remember. From August on he gave no University work at all; so, after asking to have his resignation from the Commission take effect at once, he had at once to find something to do to support his family.

Then he said longingly, "I didn't get much sleep on the way here, while running a seminar on astrogation. I think I'll take a nap." She rose and almost ostentatiously went into the other cabin, to leave him alone. He shrugged. He settled down into the chair which, to let a Med Ship man break the monotony of life in unchanging surroundings, turned into a comfortable sleeping arrangement.

Professor G.R. CARPENTER. Three hours, second half-year. English Composition, Advanced Course. Essays, lectures and consultations. Dr. ODELL. Two hours. Elocution. Lectures and Exercises. Mr. PUTNAM. Two hours. The Art of English Versification. Argumentative Composition. Lectures, briefs, essays, and oral discussions. Mr. BRODT. Three hours. Seminar. Professor G.R. CARPENTER. 1 and 2.

I remember Carl's seminar the following spring his last seminar at the University of California. He had started with nine seminar students three years before; now there were thirty-three. They were all such a superior picked lot, some seniors, mostly graduates, that he felt there was no one he could ask to stay out.

I had a refreshing bath and then as usual we went off to explore the city but had to return soon because it started to rain. The seminar was at Hotel Green Park and we set out for the venue early in the morning. We had already been registered as participants and each of us was given a cloth bag, notebook and pen to use during the seminar.