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The carriage door was opened and, with some struggling, the Prophet and his two valued friends emerged and speedily found themselves in a very large hall, which was nearly full of very large powdered footmen. In the distance there was the sound of united frivolities, a band of twenty guitars thrumming a wilful seguidilla.

The next striking number is the dance tempo, "Presso il bastion de Seviglia," a seguidilla sung by Carmen while bewitching Don José. In the finale, as she escapes, the Havanaise, which is the Carmen motive, is heard again. The second-act music is peculiarly Spanish in color, particularly that for the ballet.

Is it Don Sombrero, who is singing an Andalusian seguidilla under the window of the Flemish burgomaster's daughter? Ah, no! it is a fat Englishman in a zephyr coat: he is drinking cold gin-and-water in the moonlight, and warbling softly "Nix my dolly, pals, fake away, N-ix my dolly, pals, fake a a way."* * In 1844. I wish the good people would knock off the top part of Antwerp Cathedral spire.

Two singers of the highway are there, leaning on the graveyard wall, and they intone, with a tambourine and a guitar, an old seguidilla of Spain, bringing here the warm and somewhat Arabic gaieties of the lands beyond the frontiers.

Y, sin embargo, no siento El haberte conocido. I was so happy before I had met you on my way! And yet there is no regret That I have learned to know you. The malaguena and the seguidilla, which is more complicated, are generally seen on the stage only in Madrid, where they must charm all who can appreciate the poetry of motion. The dance of the peasant in Castile is always the jota Aragonesa.

When the seguidilla during the continuance of which Luis had gained his post of observation was brought to a close, there seemed to ensue a sort of break in the amusements of the evening.

It is the seguidilla to our blessed Lord, written by the daughter of Lope de Vega the holy Marcela Carpio. You know it, Senora?" "As I know my Credo, Luis." "And you, Isabel?" "Since I was a little one, as high as my father's knee. Rachela taught it to me." "And you, Lopez." "That is sure, Luis." "And I, too!" said Antonia, smiling. "Here is your mandolin.

The ladies leaned forward over the window-sill, enjoying the freshness of the night; and one of them, the lively brunette who had taken a part in the seguidilla, plucked some sprays of jasmine which reared their pointed leaves and white blossoms in front of the window, and began to entwine them in the hair of her companion a pale and somewhat pensive beauty, in whose golden locks and blue eyes the Gothic blood of old Spain was yet to be traced.

The sound of laughter and merriment issued from it; but this was presently hushed, and two voices, accompanied by guitars, began to sing a lively seguidilla, of which, at the end of each piquant couplet, the listeners testified their approbation by a hum of mirthful applause. Before the song was over, Luis had sought and found a means of observing what was passing within doors.

Even when men are alone in a tavern, drinking wine, two of them will often enough stand up to tread a seguidilla. On a rainy day it is the entertainment that naturally recommends itself.