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All your mother's Highland kinsfolk were never able to throw their second-sighted glamour into my een, and my own bairn shanna. "'Call it randers, or what ye will, answered she; 'but I see it plain as I see the grey hairs upon your head, that death and lamentation are gathering round my father's hearth, and are hovering and screaming owre it, like vultures round a desolate place.

"They told you truth," I said. "Then, in the name of Antichrist that I should say so! how scaped you drowning, and how came you here?" I told him the story, as briefly as might be. "Ill luck go with yon second-sighted wench that has bewitched Elliot, and you too, for all that I can see.

The story is now hastening to its close, and many events are crowded into the fortieth day. Telemachus goes from the swineherd's hut to the city, and calls his guest, Theoclymenus, to the palace. The second-sighted man prophesies of the near revenge of Odysseus. Odysseus goes begging through his own hall, and is struck by Antinous, the proudest of the wooers.

The stranger's name was Theoclymenus, and he was a sooth-sayer and a second-sighted man. And Telemachus, returning to Ithaka, was in peril of his life. The wooers of his mother had discovered that he had gone from Ithaka in a ship. Two of the wooers, Antinous and Eurymachus, were greatly angered at the daring act of the youth.

Modern example of Miss H. Theory of Frazer of Tiree . 'Revived impressions of sense. Examples. Agency of Angels. Martin. Modern cases. Bodily condition of the seer. Not epileptic. The second-sighted Minister. The visionary Beadle. Transference of vision by touch. Conclusion. Some years ago, the author was fishing in a river of Inverness- shire.

We were chaffering over the price, and getting near a bargain, when in comes Patrick Ogilvie with a tale of this second-sighted Maid, and how she had been called to see the King, and of what befell. First, it seems, she boded the death of that luckless limb of a sentinel, and then you took it upon you to fulfil her saying, and so you and he were drowned, and I left prenticeless.

The detestable cruelty of the ministers who urged magistrates to burn second-sighted people, and the discomfort and horror of the hallucinations themselves, combined to make patients try to free themselves from the involuntary experience. Others protested that it was a harmless accident, tried to teach it, and endeavoured to communicate the visions by touch.

Somewhat late in life he took to wife Saevuna, Thorod's daughter. She was the best of women, strong in mind and second-sighted, and she could cover herself in her hair. But these two never loved each other overmuch, and they had but one child, Eric, who was born when Saevuna was well on in years. The father of Gudruda was Asmund Asmundson, the Priest of Middalhof.

Not one of all the company before me will be able to avoid it. So saying, the second-sighted man went out of the hall. The wooers looking at each other laughed again, and one of them said: 'Telemachus has no luck in his guests.

A correspondent of Aubrey's vouches for a second-sighted man who babbled too much 'about the phairie, and 'was suddenly removed to the farther end of the house, and was there almost strangled'. This implies that spirits or 'Phairies' lifted him, as they did to a seer spoken of by Kirk, and do to the tribal medicine-men of the Australians, and of course, to 'mediums'.