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She had never left Nyons, and, from her experience of a long string of English pupils, was convinced that all Englishmen were savages. They inhabited an island enveloped in dense fog from year's end to year's end. They had never seen the sun, and habitually lived on half-raw "rosbif."

Last spring the event seemed inevitable, and yet when I reached Suez, he had steamed south. However, he writes to me regularly, scolding me a little at times, but that is no matter. I hope to be luckier next winter. I expect to leave Trieste in a few days and to make Liverpool via long sea. Both Mrs. Burton and I want a medicine of rest and roast beef as opposed to rosbif.

The idiot asked us if we meant "rosbif," or "biftik," or "palal" that's all the English they seemed to know, and think English fellows feed off nothing else. However, we did get some grub, and paid for it too. When we got back to the carriage I took the precaution of sticking my bags on the rack above Jim's head; so all the fellows stared at him the rest of the way, and I got a stunning sleep.

Milord Rosbif must have been having some famous old wine over in the Faubourg St. Germain, is it not so?" he asked himself. But it was the more exalted intoxication of the soul that sent Paul up the steps with the elastic stride of youth. Who was she? Paul did not know, even now. Mademoiselle Vseslavitch had said nothing of her family or her home.

The lady could not understand what he meant, until his introducer explained the mistake, observing, "Les diables des Anglais pensent toujours a leur Rosbif." In 1822 I saw this beautiful person for the first time. She was originally one of the figurantes at the opera at Vienna, and was at this time about fourteen years of age, and of delicate and graceful proportions.

For the best part of the week, during which I stayed at the Dai butzu, I only had an occasional glance at a slice of nondescript meat, served one day as "rosbif," and the next day as "mutin shops," but unfortunately so leathery that no Sheffield blade could possibly divide it, and no human tooth nor jaw, however powerful, could masticate it.

"Rosbif," said the waiter genially, manifesting himself suddenly beside them as if he had popped up out of a trap. Bruce Carmyle attacked his roast beef morosely. Sally who was in the mood when she knew that she would be ashamed of herself later on, but was full of battle at the moment, sat in silence. "I am sorry," said Mr. Carmyle ponderously, "if my eyes are fishy.

And tea in the evening, with rosbif cold. Mangiano sempre. Ma bene, dico." After a pause, "!" "And the Venetians, they eat well, too. He is the politest man in the world, and the most attentive to ladies. The German lady has not spoken a word, possibly not knowing the language. Our good cameriere cannot bear this, and commiserates her weariness with noble elegance and originality.

English tobacco, English rosbif they advertised these in quaintly worded signs. Ships lay between the jetties and the breakwater, coasting and deep-water steamers, and the little fishing-cutters with the tanned sails. They took to both while we looked, hurdling the breakwater from the basin to get more quickly to some smoke on the horizon.

fr. s. Boeuf au naturel ou a la sauce 0 15 Boeuf aux choux ou aux legumes 0 18 Carnebif 1 10 Rosbif 1 5 Filet de Boeuf saute dans sa glace 1 5 Bifteck 1 5 Entre-cote, sauce aux cornichons 1 5 Palais de Boeuf au gratin 1 4 Palais de Boeuf a la poulette ou a l'Italienne 1 0 Langue de Boeuf glacee aux epinards 1 0 Jarrets de veau 0 15