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Christianity merely renews and reinstates these universal principles after a first disappointment and a first assault of despair, by opening up new vistas of accomplishment, new qualities and measures of success. The Christian field of action being a world of grace enveloping the world of nature, many transitory reversals of acknowledged values may take place in its code.

I don't say that I fully trust him, even now, but I'll admit that I cannot see how he is to blame for the reversals of the past few months. "If the Earthmen had somehow been informed of our activities, or if we had invented a superweapon and they found out about it, I would be inclined to put the blame squarely on MacMaine. But " "How would he get such information out?" Tallis cut in sharply.

But if Lydia was going to feel more of her hot reversals in the face of his calling plain names, she found him cutting them short with another question: "Seen Esther?" "No," said the colonel. A red spot had sprung into his cheek. He looked harassed. Lydia sprang into the arena, to save him, and because she was the one who had the latest news. "I have," she said. "I've seen her."

Attempts have been made to reverse the judgment of contemporaries, in the cases of Judas Iscariot, of Henry the Eighth, and of Shakespeare, and I venture the assertion that all these attempts have failed, most signally. In our own country there have been no reversals. Modifications of opinions there have been growth in some cases, decrease in others, but absolute change in none.

The theory fails to predict important phenomena such as "strong reciprocity" the propensity to "irrationally" sacrifice resources to reward forthcoming collaborators and punish free-riders. Irritatingly for economists, people change their preferences mysteriously and irrationally. This is called "preference reversals".

In addition to all else are the lessons of loyalty and comradeship to come to them as the mere reversals of class antagonism? And yet it was but a trifling incident out of the general spirit of bitterness and strife which filled the city.

The scrapping of the Anti Ballistic Missile treaty, the expansion of NATO to Russia's borders, America's presence in central Asia and the Caucasus, Russia's "near abroad" are traumatic reversals of fortune. An agreed consultative procedure with the crumbling NATO hardly qualifies as ample compensation. There are troubling rumblings of discontent in the army.

Such reversals cannot last, nothing can last that is inimical to flourishing life; it may triumph for a day but life itself sloughs it off as a sound body rids itself of some foreign substance through the sore that festers, bursts and, the septic conditions done away with, heals itself and returns to normal.

When an alternating current flows through a coil of wire the reversals of the current set up a counter electromotive force in it which opposes, that is reacts, on the current, and the higher the frequency of the current the greater will be the reactance.

She drew his arm about her. "You will go out to see Steve to-morrow, won't you?" "Yes, of course, any time in the afternoon." She kissed him and went back to her room. One precept out of Renault's thin book of life was hard to acquire, Patience. But it must be acquired, the power to abide the time calmly, until the right moment should come. The morrows contain so many reversals of the to-days!