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Wal, wal, wal! strange too, how singoolarly calm an onterrified I feel in'ardly. Why, boys, I've seen the time when the sight of a approachin revenoo vessel would make me shiver an shake from stem to starn. But now how changed! Such, my friends, is the mootability of human life!" The boys looked at the steamer for a few moments, but at length went back to their fishing.

Up hyeh in the mount'ns we call it cunjer, an' thar's some slick ones hyeh, too." "But how did the teacher get mixed up in it?" queried Hamilton. "It doesn't sound like the sort of thing you'd expect to find a schoolmaster doing." "He wasn't doin' it, it was again' him," the mountain boy explained. "The folks hyeh suspicioned as he was tippin' o' the revenoo men." "Who did? Moonshiners?"

A foreigner, am I? Let me tell you, sir, that I was born, brung up, nourished, married, an settled in this here province, an I've got an infant born here, an I'm not a fisherman, an this ain't a fishin vessel. You arrest me ef you dar. You'll see who'll get the wust of it in the long run. I'd like precious well to get damages yea, swingin damages out of one of you revenoo fellers."

"He can't make much time down that branch on hoss back an' with them fine clothes of his, but he orten ter be fur off." "D'ye reckon he's a durned revenoo sure, Jake?" "Dunno, best be safe," with an ugly scowl. "Simpson 'lows he's jes' layin' low hisself, but ye can't tell." "What'd Sim say his name war?" "Jim Whitley," returned the other, taking a long careful look up the valley.

"An' whar' from?" "Sim say St. Louie, or some place like that. Sh thar' he comes." They half rose and crouching behind the log, pushed the cocked rifles through the leaves of a little bush, covering the horseman below. "If he's a revenoo he'll sure see th' path ter th' still," whispered the one called Jake; "an' if he turns ter foller hit into th' cut drap him.

On the same principle young men should continer to get drunk on French brandy and to smoke their livers as dry as a corn-cob with Cuby cigars because 4-sooth if they don't, it will hurt the Revenoo! This talk 'bout the Revenoo is of the bosh boshy. One thing is tol'bly certin if we don't send gold out of the country we shall have the consolation of knowing that it is in the country.

Yere she comes, final, a-rattlin' an' a-creakin'; that old drunkard Monte a-poppin' of his whip, the six hosses on the canter, an' the whole sheebang puttin' on more dog than a Mexican officer of revenoo. When the stage draws up, Old Monte throws off the mailbags an' the Wells-Fargo box, an' gets down an' opens the door. But nobody emerges out. "'Well, I'm a coyote!

There was an air of perplexity about his face, which was very visible to those on board, and the perplexity deepened and intensified as his eyes rested on the flag of the "B. O. W. C." "Leave him to me," said Captain Corbet. "Leave that thar young man to me. I enjy havin to do with a revenoo officer jest now; so don't go an put in your oars, but jest leave him to me."

It was coming from the head of the bay on the New Brunswick side, and had hitherto been concealed by the projecting cape. "What's that?" said Bart. "Is it the St. John steamer?" "No, SIR," said the captain. "She's a man-o'-war steamer the revenoo cutter, I do believe." "How do you know?" "Why, by her shape." "She seems to be coming this way." "Yes, bound to Minas Bay, I s'pose.

Jim asked at last, when the other stopped swearing long enough to fill his mouth with fresh tobacco. "A revenoo, an' I done missed him clean." He began to curse again. "He came near getting you though," said the other, pointing to the mark of the horseman's bullet. "Yas, hit war' Bill Davis. Aint nary other man in the hull dad burned outfit could er done hit."