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"She foundered in a hurricane in mid-Atlantic; and I have only too much reason to fear that I alone have survived to tell the tale." "Ah," said the skipper, "that is bad news indeed; but the fact that you never turned up at our rendez-vous, and that no intelligence could be gained of you, has prepared us for it.

"But, Mademoiselle, I was obeying my instructions!" The maid gesticulated vehemently. "Madame commanded that I follow and observe who is at the rendez-vous. If Mademoiselle will be calm and tranquil we may come to an understanding, is it not so? I would prefer to be wholly in the service of Mademoiselle, and we might together arrange a little story for Madame "

What can I do, Señorita, to find him once more?" Willa cut the woman's protestations short, and, calling up the garage their prearranged rendez-vous instructed Dan to meet her at the bridge. Intent on the new calamity, she gave no heed as to the probability of having been overheard by Angie, but hurriedly departed.

The sinking sun which crimsoned the structures of the Midway Plaisance, exhorted us to abandon this place of international rendez-vous and to return on board the "Marguerite;" since she was to convey us back to the Chicago Harbor. Gliding along on the crystalline lake, "We breathed the airs, not ruffling its face. Until we came to a quiet place."

At that time, Buloz and he often shared a modest dinner, and with the permission of M. Rabou, then manager of the Revue de Paris, Balzac contributed "L'Enfant Maudit," "Le Message," and "Le Rendez-Vous" to the Revue des Deux Mondes, and only charged a hundred francs for the same quantity of pages for which he was paid a hundred and sixty francs by Rabou.

Deuceace an arm, when out of the cabaray shoot four fellows, and draw up betwigst the coach and embassy-doar; two other chaps go to the other doar of the carridge, and, opening it, one says "Rendez-vous, M. Deuceace! Je vous arrete au nom de la loi!" He flung open the door, and was for making off that way; but he saw the four chaps standing betwigst libbarty and him.

He watched them from his bush, cramped but immovable, watched them gather and range themselves and signal and pick up men, until at last they sailed away towards the glowing sunset, going to the great Asiatic rendez-vous, above the oil wells of Cleveland.

One day he picked up a letter and found that it was from one of the village girls arranging to elope that very evening with a young man. At the appointed time Lela went to the rendez-vous and hid himself in a tree; soon he saw the Brahman's daughter come to the place, but as her letter had not been delivered her lover did not appear.

His son Louis-Emeric took the library as his share of the inheritance: its improvement became the occupation of his life; he made many expeditions after books in foreign countries, but when he was at home his library was the general rendez-vous of all who were interested in literature. The books were left to Robert Bigot upon trusts that were intended to prevent their dispersion.

She knew too well that if she said "yes," Captain Fanshawe would look out for her again, would come with the express intention of meeting her. To say "yes" would be virtually to consent to such meetings. It was a temptation which took all her strength to reject, but rejected it must be. She would not stoop to the making of a rendez-vous.