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His oratory was persuasive and spirit-stirring. The fire of his bright eyes and the sunny smile which lighted up his countenance added to the attractions of his unequaled voice, which was equally distinct and clear, whether at its highest key or lowest whisper rich, musical, captivating. His action was the spontaneous offspring of the passing thought. He gesticulated all over.

"Mammy's baby did you think old Mammy dun run off an' lef' her baby?" But Lily could only sob for joy. Then the floor manager came hurriedly over for the entire force of the mill had ceased to work, gazing at the strange scene. In vain he gesticulated his protests the big fat colored woman walked proudly past him with Lily in her arms.

My hope was that I might get time to give Fred the tip as to where the letters were; but before I was within speaking distance Baldwin came running out from behind the station, and, seeing me, turned, called back and gesticulated, evidently to summon some cowboys to head me off.

"As I was just going to observe," she would begin, as gravely as a drunken man addressing a lamp-post. "See her sayin' her piece. She's Patrick Henry naow," said Dan. She swung sideways on a roller, and gesticulated with her jib-boom from port to starboard. "But-ez-fer me, give me liberty-er give me-death!" Wop!

Towards noon, when most of the others were down at the stream by the bend, she came and stood on the hither side of the knoll, a gnarled brown figure, and gesticulated so that Eudena could scarce believe she was not seen.

It opened softly, he looked up from his book and Margaret was before him, coming quickly forward. For an instant he did not move, for he was taken unawares. Behind her, by the door, a man-servant gesticulated apologies the lady had pushed by him before he had been able to announce her. Then another figure appeared, hurrying after Margaret; it was little Madame De Rosa, out of breath.

A general running, hurrying, and scurrying took place among them all. While those of the ship pointed vehemently to the sea, they of the land gesticulated violently towards the caverns, and both were equally eccentric in their observations regarding us.

Others gesticulated with their long knives, and made fell swoops at soft plantain-stems; but these artifices were all as shallow as they were contemptible, and a smile at such demonstrations was generally answered with another from the actors.

"I wish I could," he wheezed. "A man of your age and weight getting up to kiddish gymnastics " "Don't," he said, and looked agonised. "I'll tell you," he said, and gesticulated. "How the deuce," said I, "are you holding on up there?" And then abruptly I realised that he was not holding on at all, that he was floating up there just as a gas-filled bladder might have floated in the same position.

He was very glad of the collar about his neck and the fetters on his legs. He summoned his wits together and standing there alone, without a companion to share his miseries, laughed and scraped and grimaced at his tormentors. An old hag danced and gesticulated before him, singing the while a monotonous song.