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Afraid that if he were taken outside the city his followers might possibly re-capture him, he was murdered outside the chief yamen, about ten hacks being necessary by process adopted to sever the head from the body. Only two men have been put to death inside the walls since the city of Chao-t'ong was built, over two hundred years ago.

Philip's scheme of aggrandizement Projected invasion of France Internal condition of France Character of Henry of Navarre Preparation for action Battle of Ivry Victory of the French king over the League Reluctance of the King to attack the French capital Siege of Paris The pope indisposed towards the League Extraordinary demonstration of ecclesiastics Influence of the priests Extremities of the siege Attempted negotiation State of Philip's army Difficult position of Farnese March of the allies to the relief of Paris Lagny taken and the city relieved Desertion of the king's army Siege of Corbeil Death of Pope Sixtus V. Re-capture of Lagny and Corbeil Return of Parma to the Netherlands Result of the expedition.

"I then explained to him freely my escape from Andersonville, and my subsequent re-capture, how it was that I had played 'old soldier' etc." "Now," said I, "Captain, as long as I am a prisoner of war, I wish to stay with you, or under your command.

Ere noon two hundred Indian braves had perished and their accursed village had been obliterated. The operations of the next year ended this long and fierce struggle. The attempted re-capture of Quebec by the French was their final effort. The army of the Lakes embarked from Crown Point for Montreal on the sixteenth day of August.

A French priest, named Gibault, secured the favor of the inhabitants of Vincennes for the American interest, and the Indians of the neighborhood were conciliated by the able management of Colonel Clarke, who knew how to win the favor of the men better than any other borderer; but on the 29th of January, 1779, intelligence was received at Kaskaskia, where Clarke was then posted, that Governor Hamilton had taken possession of Vincennes, and meditated the re-capture of the other posts, preparatory to assailing the whole frontier, as far as Fort Pitt.

Such a vigilant watch was kept upon the house after they were missed from the prison, that they had no other choice. So they made a contract with a man who was to return them to the prison, and then give them half of the reward of forty shillings which was offered for their re-capture. So successful was this expedient that it was often put into operation when they needed money.

Boulogne was lost to the French, and though they were now free to concentrate their forces against the English, all attempts to re-capture it were repulsed. Henry felt no disposition to abate his own terms or to resign Boulogne: Francis required him to do both.

If they should once know it, the whole crowd will desire to leave with us." "That would be unreasonable on their part," replied Alfred. "They must be aware that every man cannot get away at the same time, and to desire or attempt such a thing would be to ensure the re-capture of every man."

At the head of these he often fought bravely in different sorties, and on the 1st of October was wounded at the re-capture of Fort Pharon. He complains still of having suffered insults or neglect from the English, and even of having been exposed unnecessarily to the fire and sword of the enemy merely because he was a patriot as well as an envied or suspected ally.

A long, weird blast from the fog horn, followed by two short, sharp toots, recalled Barry from his morning dream. "Fog," he grumbled, and turned over to re-capture the enchantment of the Athabasca rapids, and his dancing canoe. Overhead there sounded the trampling of feet. "Submarines, doc," he shouted and leaped to the floor broad awake.