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"Th' throuble with Dewey is he was so long away he lost his undherstanding iv th' thrue feelin' iv th' American people. George r- read th' newspapers, an' he says to himself: 'Be hivins, they think well iv what I done. I guess I'll put a shirt in me thrunk an' go home, f'r 'tis hot out here, an' ivrybody'll be glad f'r to see me, he says. An' he come along, an' New York was r-ready f'r him.

But fin'lly she med it; an' th' two happy, happy childher, whose sunshiny youth riprisinted five thousan' miles iv thrack, eight goold mines, wan hundherd millyion dollars' worth iv rollin' stock, an' a majority intherest in th' Chicago stock yards, was r-ready f'r th' nicissary thransfers that wud establish th' combination.

"He is full of device," he said, heartily, "and r-ready, always, to think and to do." And Sydney remembered some of the things he had done, and nodded with misty eyes. The Gander-Pulling

"Well, afther they have larned in school what they ar-re licked f'r larnin' in th' back yard that is squashin' mud with their hands they're conducted up through a channel iv free an' beautiful thought till they're r-ready f'r colledge. Mamma packs a few doylies an' tidies into son's bag, an' some silver to be used in case iv throuble with th' landlord, an' th' la-ad throts off to th' siminary.

'Th' Familiar Lies iv Li Hung Chang' is expicted to do well in th' provinces an' Hostetter's Almanac has all dates filled, I undherstand th' bible'll be r-ready f'r th' stage undher th'direction iv Einstein an' Opperman befure th' first iv th' year. Some changes has been niciss'ry f'r to adapt it to stage purposes, I see be th' pa-apers.

Worthington, slowly, "I suppose you are ready to sell out." He found it a little difficult to control his voice. "Yes," answered Jethro, "r-ready to sell out." Mr. Worthington was somewhat taken aback by this simple admission. He glanced at Jethro sitting motionless by the window, and in his heart he feared him: he had come into that room when the gas was low, afraid.

'Ye will jine th' other boys fr'm th' club at Tampa, he says. 'Ye shud be careful iv ye'er equipment, he says. 'I have almost ivrything r-ready, says Willie. 'Me man attinded to thim details, he says. 'But I fear I can't go to th' fr-ront immejetly, he says. 'Me pink silk pijammas hasn't arrived, he says. 'Well, says Mack, 'wait f'r thim, he says.

'I don't know how th' Union'll feel about it, but that's no business iv mine, he says. 'Ye will get ye'er wur-rkin-cards fr'm th' walkin' diligate, he says; 'an' ye'll be entitled, he says, 'to pay ye'er share iv th' taxes an' to live awhile an' die whin ye get r-ready, he says, 'jus' th' same as if ye was bor-rn at home, he says.

The mountain-ash trees cuddled their little pale berry-babies in awe. "All R-ready! Shoot!" Toandoah's battle-cry it was. A roar as of a small brass cannon, the first gun of the new conquest, responded, as the hand of a Camp Fire Girl of America pressed the button, triumphantly throwing the switch in the nozzle, or tailpart, of the mounted rocket, a hundred feet away.

But they wore garments, and some of the garments were identical and impressive, so they could be guessed to be uniforms. "How-do," said the voice that had guided the ship down. "We are r-ready to listen to your message." Sergeant Madden said heavily: "We humans believe you Huks have got a good fleet. We believe you've got a good army.