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An' th' gin'ral r-reads: 'At iliven o'clock at th' church iv Nothre Dame in th' prisince iv th' followin' princes , 'Cut out th' princes, says th' la-ad. 'An' kings 'F'rget th' kings, says th' lad. 'Th' son iv th' Impror 'He's dead, says th' doctor. 'Put on his white soot, says th' Main Thing among th' Austhreeches that was again him fr'm th' beginnin'. An' there ye ar-re."

I'd been on th' cinthral comity to-day, but f'r me losin' ambition whin they r-run a man be th' name iv Eckstein f'r aldherman. I was sayin', Hinnissy, whin a man gets to be my age, he ducks pol-itical meetin's, an' r-reads th' papers an' weighs th' ividence an' th' argymints, pro-argymints an' con-argymints, an' makes up his mind ca'mly, an' votes th' Dimmycratic ticket.

Mary Ann was his wife. Her maiden name was Riley. She heard him say it. 'Gus, says she, 'if iver I hear iv ye shootin' e'er a king I'll lave ye, she says." "Well, sir, I thought he was jokin', but be hivins, wan day he disappeared, an' lo an' behold, two weeks afther I picks up a pa-aper an' r-reads that me brave Schmitt was took up be th' polis f'r thryin' to cop a monarch fr'm behind a three.

"They're on'y three books in th' wurruld worth readin', Shakespeare, th' Bible, an' Mike Ahearn's histhry iv Chicago. I have Shakespeare on thrust, Father Kelly r-reads th' Bible f'r me, an' I didn't buy Mike Ahearn's histhry because I seen more thin he cud put into it. Whin I was a young man, th' parish priest used to preach again thim; but nobody knowed what he meant.