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These youthful spendthrifts I patronized and taught the mysteries of a sporting life, and for a time it became quite smart for a fellow to have gone on one of "Quib's" notes. These notes, however, increased rapidly in number, and before long amounted to such a prodigious sum that they gave me great uneasiness. My habits had become extravagant and careless.

Why, boys, this is a regular cave," replied Abe. "Quib's in there, somewhere," said Mart Penniman. "Just hear him yelp!" "Hold on," said Cole Thomas "there's more light coming in. We shall be able to see, in a minute." The fact was that it took a little time for their eyes to get accustomed to the small amount of light there was in that cave. The cave itself was not very large.

I can see a streak of light. It's like climbing up an old chimney. Quib's almost on him." All that time, while they were groping through that cave, Julius Davis was looking around the pasture-lot after them. He would have been glad of a small glimpse of Quib, but all he had found as yet was Mr.