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This was Old Put's reply: Headquarters, 7th August, 1777. Edmund Palmer, an officer in the enemy's service, was taken as a spy lurking within our lines. He has been tried as a spy, condemned as a spy, and shall be executed as a spy; and the flag is ordered to depart immediately. I have the honor to be, etc., etc., Israel Putnam. P.S. Afternoon. He is hanged!

If any accident ensues from obeying them, the fault will be upon me, not upon you. Death, defeat, a reprimand all within one short month might have affected a stouter heart than Old Put's. But was there ever a stouter one? Care sat lightly on Israel Putnam, who never went about looking for trouble, nor gave it more than a scant welcome as a guest.

Zeke may laugh at Old Put's digging, but you'll soon find that he'll pick his way to a point where he can give the Britishers a dig under the fifth rib. We've got the best general in the army. Washington, with all his Southern style, believes in him and relies on him. Whether their time's up or not, it's a burning shame that so many of his troops are sneaking off home."

He left this well and thick covered all night, from about eleven a clock at night; And the next morning, finding it had wrought very well, He mingled what was in the Pail with the whole proportion of the Liquor, and so Tunned it up into a Sack-cask. He confessed to me that in making of Sider, He put's in half as much Mustard as Barm; but never in Meathe.

"Dinna ye think," said Cosmo, "I micht set oot the morn efter a', though on a different eeran', an' gang straucht to Mr. Burns? He'll sune put's i' the w'y to turn them til accoont. They're o' sma' avail as they lie there." "Ye canna du better, my son," answered the old man. So Cosmo gathered the gems together into the horse, lifting them in handfuls.

There is a splendid stone pillar, a clustered column, right in front of me, and I am as much protected from the minister as Old Put's troops were from the British, behind the stone wall at Bunker's Hill.

Aw durnd know; but whether thaa's to climb mony or few thaa'll hev strength gien thee, as aw hev. 'Aw wish God's other room wurnd so far off, Gronny nobbud t'other side o' th' wall instead o' th' story aboon. Durnd yo'? 'Nay, lass; they're safer upstairs. Thaa knows He put's 'em aat o' harm's way. 'But aw somehaa think aw could ha' takken care o' little Job a bit longer.

"I wouldn't be surprised to see Old Put's boys pull the game out in this inning, for all that two men are out." "If they do so, Merriwell is the man who will deserve the credit," said Collingwood. "That is dead right." "Yes, it is right, for he restored confidence and started the work of rattling Coulter."

"You're jest as good as some as makes a frap about bein' good. I think, sir, you put's on some of that light-come-go-away kind of a game." "Never mind; we'll only hope we'll have no more cases like that exactly. I don't know how we should have managed if there had been such another last week." "That was a strongish sea, and we're sure of more."

Israel Putnam. Old Put's anxiety as to his destination having been allayed, he established his military family at or near Buttermilk Falls, about two miles below West Point, where, says Major Humphreys, "he was happy in possessing the friendship of the officers of the line, and in living on terms of hospitality with them. Indeed, there was no family in the army that lived better than his own.