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Ritter and Preller, 123. Translated by Burnet; Early Greek Philosophy, p. 283, 4. Metaphysics, I, 4. Xenophon: Memorabilia, I, 4. Cocker: Christianity and Greek Philosophy, p. 491.

Miss Busk gives a free adaptation rather than a translation of the German version, "Sagas," p. 315. Prof. De Gubernatis, "Zool. Von Hahn, vol. ii. p. 225; "Tour du Monde," vol. xxi. p. 342, quoted by Liebrecht, p. 105. "Panjab N. and Q." vol. iii. pp. 41, 115; "Journal Ethnol. Soc. London," N. S., vol. i. p. 98. The information relating to the Bona Dea has been collected by Preller, "Röm.

Harvest Preller Storm Schwartz Star-swallowing sky Canon Taylor Sun scorching spring Hartung Cronos was by Race Etymology of Cronos My Lack of Explanation of Cronos Now, I have offered no explanation at all of who Cronos was, what he was god of, from what race he was borrowed, from what language his name was derived. The fact is that I do not know the truth about these important debated questions.

The Greek epic, on the other hand, has, as M. Preller points out, 'nothing to do with natural man, but with an ideal world of heroes, with sons of the gods, with consecrated kings, heroes, elders, a kind of specific race of men.

Ritter and Preller, "in Bocardo," many a young gentleman out of Buckinghamshire and other counties would joyously help in the good work, and use the pages, if not for blanshers, for other sportive purposes! "Habent sua fata libelli," as Terentianus Maurus says, in a frequently quoted verse.

The excellent German historian of the mythology of Rome, Preller, relating the introduction at Rome under the Tarquins of the worship of Apollo, the god of light, healing, and reconciliation, will have us observe that it was not so much the Tarquins who brought to Rome the new worship of Apollo, as a current in the mind of the Roman people which set powerfully at that time towards a new worship of this kind, and away from the old run of Latin and Sabine religious ideas.

Mannhardt now examines the explanations of Demeter Erinnys, and her legend, given by Preller, E. Curtius, O. Muller, A. Kuhn, W. Sonne, Max Muller, E. Burnouf, de Gubernatis, Schwartz, and H. D. Muller. 'Here, he cries, 'is a variegated list of hypotheses! Demeter is Storm-cloud Sun Goddess Earth and Moon Goddess Dawn Night. Poseidon is Sea Storm God Cloud-hidden Sun Rain God. Despoina is

Preller regards them as "Damonen des Gebirgs," while a passage from Hesiod, quoted by Strabo, equates them with nymphs and satyrs, i.e., fertility demons.

<b>POPERT, CHARLOTTE.</b> Silver medal at the Beatrice, Florence, 1890. Born in Hamburg, 1848. Pupil in Weimar of the elder Preller and Carl Gherts; of P. Joris in Rome, and Bonnat in Paris. After extensive travels in the Orient, England, the Netherlands, and Spain, she established herself in Rome and painted chiefly in water-colors.

The excellent German historian of the mythology of Rome, Preller, relating the introduction at Rome under the Tarquins of the worship of Apollo, the god of light, healing, and reconciliation, observes that it was not so much the Tarquins who brought to Rome the new worship of Apollo, as a current in the mind of the Roman people which set powerfully at that time towards a new worship of this kind, and away from the old run of Latin and Sabine religious ideas.