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"Looky here, M'rice," he continued, assuming a more placative and reasoning tone, "that wouldn't be fair to us. I guess we want some of our own lickrish water, don't we? The bottle ain't much over two-thirds full anyway. What I meant was, you can have all you can drink at one pull." "How do you mean?"

"Hard luck?" queried the tall man. "I'm rollin' in wealth," stated the stranger, with an ironic sneer. The tall man's eyes glittered. "Where you from?" he questioned. "You c'n have three guesses," returned the stranger, his eyes narrowing with the mockery that the tall man had seen in them before. The tall man adopted a placative tone. "I ain't wantin' to butt into your business," he said.

And with a little flurry of placative laughter, she added: "At your age, of course!" "I'm going to bed, now," he said. "Goodnight." Another silence seemed blanker than those which had preceded it, and finally her voice came it was blank, too. "Good-night."

In place of the placative, middle-aged varlet, troubled and hurrying to serve, there stepped out of the elevator, at the street level, a deep-chested, assertive, manly adventurer, about thirty, kindly eyed, picturesque, and careless. The green hat belonged to him perfectly.

Tandy became placative and apologetic. "You must really pardon me, Mr. Duncan. This thing has knocked me out a good deal it came upon me so suddenly and unexpectedly. I make my apologies if I have said anything to offend. But is there nothing I can do to fix the thing up so that the bank can carry it for me till I can turn around?

"'O, the orphan boy stood on the hill, The wind blew cold and very chill " Glancing at his auditors, he was a trifle abashed to observe a glaze upon the eyes of Mr. Parker, while a purple tide rose above his neck-band and unnaturally distended his throat and temples. With a placative little laugh, Mr.

Finally Silas went home defeated, with a last word, half condemnatory, half placative. Silas was not the sort to stand firm against such feminine strength as his daughter Annie's. However, he secretly held her dearer than all his other children. After her father had gone, Annie sat taking even stitch after even stitch, but a few tears ran over her cheeks and fell upon the soft mass of muslin.

He had it coming to him, Singleton." Lawler's manner was conciliatory, even mildly placative. "I figured on saving you a job, Singleton." Singleton's face reddened. "Lawler, I figger to lick my own kid." "Singleton, I reckon it can't be undone, and you'll have to make the best of it. You and I have never got along well, but I want you to know I didn't know it was your boy I punished."

Doubtless this system of prohibitions is the outcome of many generations of experience the organization of various local usages. +605+. Taboos connected with the moon. Unusual celestial phenomena, such as eclipses, meteors, and comets, have always excited terror, being referred to some hostile supernatural agency, and have called forth special placative and restrictive ceremonies.

She offered a murmur of placative laughter as her apology, and said: "Well, I just thought I'd tell you because if you did intend going to the station, I thought you probably wouldn't want to miss it and get there too late. I've got your hat here all nicely brushed for you. It's nearly twenty minutes of one, Willie." "Yes, it is. It's " She had no further speech with him.