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"Ala, stop that is enough to pay for our daughter," said Aponibolinayen. "I pay now." "Yes," they said. "Now that we have made the payment we will go home," said Dinowágan. "If you do not let us take Linongan to Pindayan, Iwaginan will live here and I will come to visit them," said Dinowágan to Awig and Aponibolinayen. As soon as Dinowágan and her companions went home.

As soon as she arrived where Indiápan lived she wrapped her belt around the finger of Aponitolau, but the blood did not stop and they were frightened. Aponibolinayen commanded their spirit helpers to get Ginalingan of Pindayan, who was a sister of Iwaginan, to make dawak and stop the blood of Aponitolau.

When they arrived in Pindayan, Iwaginan and Linongan went to bathe in the river, and Iwaginan saw the place where the alzados had cut Linongan in her side, and he went to make a magical well in which a person can bathe and lose all scars and wounds; and it looked as if she had no cut and she was prettier, and they went home.

Some of them went to Pindayan and Donglayan, which is the home of Iwaginan and Gimbangonan. Not long after Aponibolinayen was anxious to chew betel-nut. "I am going to chew. What ails me, for I am so anxious to chew? I had not intended to eat anything while Kanag is away." She looked up at her basket, and she saw that an oiled betel-nut, which was covered with gold, was in it.

So the betel-nut got off and she went to take a bath. When she arrived at the river she was in no hurry, for she did not wish to go, and the people from Pindayan, who were Iwaginan and his wife Gimbagonan, and the other people passed by the place where she was bathing, when they were going to attend the Sayang in Kadalayapan. They saw the pretty lady taking her bath by the river.

"Ala, my wife we go to Pindayan to see our mother Dinowágan," said Iwaginan. "Yes, if that is what you say we will go," said Linongan. Not long after they asked Awig and Aponibolinayen, "You go, but do not stay long," they said. "Yes," they answered.

A day later he took Aponibolinayen to Pindayan and Gimbagonan prepared the baladon poison, because she wanted to kill Iwaginan. As soon as he and Aponibolinayen arrived in Pindayan, Gimbagonan went to their house, and she took betel-nuts. As soon as she reached the house she gave the nut to Aponibolinayen, and it had baladon poison on it. She gave also to Iwaginan, but it had no poison on it.

When they arrived in the house Dinowágan was surprised, for she was more beautiful than before. "I made the magic pool and cured the cut in her side which I saw," he said. Not long after when they had been two days in Pindayan, they went to Natpangan. Dumanágan sent his mother Langa-an to Kaodanan.

"I have come from Pindayan," answered Aponibolinayen. "Enemies of our people kept me there till I made my escape while they were asleep at night" All were filled with joy that the lost one had returned, and they decided that at the next moon they would perform a ceremony for the spirits and invite all the relatives who were mourning for Aponibolinayen.

As soon as Aponibolinayen heard the noise of the shields she shouted and Danay of Kabisilan shouted also, and those who shouted were the ladies who always staid in the house. When they passed by the spring of Natpangan Aponigawani shouted. When they passed by Pindayán, Gimbagonan shouted and the world trembled while she shouted.