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This is the Torgau feature, feature of human nature, soldiering under difficulties: The multitudinous Pandours, if I remember, made a rush into the Suburbs, in their usual vociferous way; but were met by the 700 silent Prussians, silent except through their fire-arms and field-pieces, in so eloquent a style as soon convinced the Pandour mind, and sent it travelling again.

"Ah! you search into our motives you mistrust us," cried Zetto, hastily. "Well, we will prove to you that we trust you, by telling you our secret. You know the story of the inheritance of Trenck?" "He is the only heir of the pandour chieftain, Franz von Trenck." "Correct. And do you know the history of this pandour chieftain Trenck?"

If a 'prentice of mine cannot clean his platter, I know that I shall get little from him with carder and teazel. Thew and sinew need building up. A slice from that round of beef, William! Touching that same battle of Ober-Graustock, Colonel, what part was played in the fray by that regiment of Pandour horse, in which, as I understand, thou didst hold a commission?

Friedrich reconnoitres Daun with all diligence; pushes on everything according to his wont; much obstructed in the reconnoitring by Pandour clouds, under which Daun has veiled himself, which far outnumber our small Hussar force.

He made minatory movements, one at least, down the River, by his own shore, on Friedrich's Ammunition-Boats from Torgau, and actually intercepted certain of them, which was something; but, except this, and vague flourishings of the Pandour kind, left Friedrich to his own course.

Next day he drove out to Nymphenburg; saw the Pandour devastations there, might have seen the window where the rugged old Unertl set up his ladder, "For God's sake, your Serenity, have nothing to do with those French!" and did not want for sorrowful comparisons of past and present.

Kosel, under Commandant Lattorf, whose praises, like Treskow's, were great, had stood four months of Pandour blockading and assaulting, which also had to take itself away on advent of Friedrich. Of Friedrich, on his return-journey, we shall hear again before long; but in the mean while must industriously follow Daun.

Valori, so seldom spoken to, is lodged in a suburb there: 'Had not you better go into the town itself? his Majesty did once say; but Valori, dreading nothing, lodged on, 'Landlord a Burgher whom I thought respectable. Respectable, yes he; but his son had been dealing with Franquini the Pandour, and had sold Valori, night appointed, measures all taken; a miracle if Valori escape.

Friedrich wished to visit Silberberg and Wartha; set out accordingly, 27th February, with small escort, carelessly as usual: the Pandour people had wind of it; knew his habits on such occasions; and, gliding through other roadless valleys, under an adventurous Captain, had determined to whirl him off. And they were in fact not far from succeeding, had not a mistake happened.

Daun built three Bridges, he had a broad stone one already, but did little or nothing with them; and never himself came across at all. Merely shot out nocturnal Pandour Parties, and ordered up Lacy and the Reichsfolk to do the like, and break the night's rest of his Enemy.