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"That's the wind," said Kalashnikov; and after a pause he raised his eyes to Yergunov and asked: "And what is your learned opinion, Osip Vassilyitch are there devils in this world or not?" "What's one to say, brother?" said Yergunov, and he shrugged one shoulder.

Soon he went away; and when he got into his cheap chaise and cleared his throat, it could be seen from the very expression of his long thin back that he was no longer thinking of Osip or of the village elder, nor of the Zhukovo arrears, but was thinking of his own affairs.

And he began to reprove me, and I must tell you Osip Varlamitch was a man of brains, though without education, and everyone respected and feared him, for he was a man of stern, God-fearing life and worked hard.

And Granny told them something, too. She remembered everything, positively everything. And remembering all this, Granny positively began to shed tears. All at once someone knocked at the door, and they all started. "Uncle Osip, give me a night's lodging." The little bald old man, General Zhukov's cook, the one whose cap had been burnt, walked in.

If it hadn't been a noble he killed I have no doubt he would have got off." "But you are noble yourself, Osip." "Yes, but that does not give me any marked advantage at present. Of course it will make a difference when I get out. My friends will send me money, and I shall live at Tobolsk and marry some wealthy gold-miner's daughter, and be in the best society.

I won't call you miss if you don't like it. But what am I to call you?" "Call me Mariana." "And what is your father's Christian name?" "Why do you want my father's name? Call me simply Mariana, as I call you Tatiana." "I don't like to somehow. You had better tell me." "As you like. My father's name was Vikent. And what was your father's? "He was called Osip."

"Before Easter he paid a rouble, and he has not paid a kopeck since." The police inspector raised his eyes to Osip and asked: "Why is this, brother?" "Show Divine mercy, your honour," Osip began, growing agitated. "Allow me to say last year the gentleman at Lutorydsky said to me, 'Osip, he said, 'sell your hay... you sell it, he said.

Still the number of Jewish graduate physicians was on the increase. Osip Yakovlevich Liboschüts, who was the son of the famous physician of Vilna, took his doctor degree at Dorpat , became court physician in St. Petersburg, where he founded a hospital for children, and wrote extensively in French on the flora of his country.

Osip Varlamitch saw me off home and exhorted me: 'Remember, Matvey, that anything above the ordinary is of the devil. And now I eat and drink like everyone else and pray like everyone else . . . . If it happens now that the priest smells of tobacco or vodka I don't venture to blame him, because the priest, too, of course, is an ordinary man.

It gives him nerve and self-confidence, and enables him at all times to protect the weak against the strong." "Just as you did now," Osip said. "Well, I would not have believed it if I had not seen it. I am sure we all feel obliged to you for having taken down that fellow Kobylin. He and a few others have been a nuisance for some time.