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The infantile onanism seems to disappear after a brief time, but it may continue uninterruptedly till puberty and thus represent the first marked deviation from the development desirable for civilized man.

The dreamer had entered his father's business, and had taken a terrible dislike to the questionable practices upon which profit mainly depends. For the pulling off, which serves to represent commercial dishonesty, the dreamer himself gives a second explanation namely, onanism.

Style for style has produced in these days hasty literature and thoughtless improvisation; love for love leads to unnatural vice, onanism, and prostitution; art for art ends in Chinese knick-knacks, caricature, the worship of the ugly. When man no longer looks to labor for anything but the pleasure of exercise, he soon ceases to labor, he plays.

The indistinct final scene, in which the dreamer sees himself on the staircase landing lying in bed and feeling wet, seems to go back into childhood even beyond the infantile onanism, and manifestly has its prototype in similarly pleasurable scenes of bed-wetting. A modified stair-dream.

As the first outer cause we have the influence of seduction which prematurely treats the child as a sexual object; under conditions favoring impressions this teaches the child the gratification of the genital zones, and thus usually forces it to repeat this gratification in onanism. Such influences can come from adults or other children.

"I know it, but you must agree with me that it is absurd to suppose that God will forgive a crime which you would, perhaps, not commit, if you did not think that, after confession, a priest, a man like you, will give you absolution. God forgives only the repenting sinner." "No doubt of it, and confession supposes repentance; without it, absolution has no effect." "Is onanism a crime amongst you?"

Vogel alludes to a girl of three in whom repeated attacks of epilepsy occurred after six months' onanism. Van Bambeke mentions three children from ten to twenty months old, two of them females, who masturbated. Bidwell describes a boy of five years and two months who during the year previous had erections and seminal emissions.

Well, there is, in addition to these, what I shall call Pygmalionism, which embraces at the same time cerebral onanism and incest. "Imagine an artist falling in love with his child, his creation: with an Hérodiade, a Judith, a Helen, a Jeanne d'Arc, whom he has either described or painted, and evoking her, and finally possessing her in dream. "Well, this love is worse than normal incest.

A man in good health, if he cannot have a woman, must necessarily have recourse to onanism, whenever imperious nature demands it, and the man who, from fear of polluting his soul, would abstain from it, would only draw upon himself a mortal disease." "We believe exactly the reverse; we think that young people destroy their constitutions, and shorten their lives through self-abuse.

XIII, Anal Eroticism and Character, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia. Unusual techniques in the performance of onanism seem to point to the influence of a prohibition against onanism which has been overcome. Why neurotics, when conscience stricken, regularly connect it with their onanistic activity, as was only recently recognized by Bleuler, is a problem which still awaits an exhaustive analysis.