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"And when my juva dickt'omandy pash-nango, she pens, 'Dovo's tute's heesis? an' I pookered her I'd been a-koorin'. But she penned, 'Why, you haven't got your hovalos an; you didn't koor tute's hovalos avree? 'No, I rakkered; 'I taddered em offus. An' my poor juva ruvved ajaw, for she had no chavo.

His welcome was sickly. "Gee-min-ent-ly!" Joel roared. "I thought you was mad at me about something. You never came near." "I wanted to come," Luke croaked, "but nights, I'm too tired to walk anywheres, and besides, I usually have to go back to the offus." "Gee, that's damn tough," said Joel, who had grown from darn to damn.

"Nevah you mind, Betsy," chuckled Mason Rogers; "Cynthy Ann knows better'n you do whut she kin spar' tow'ds settin' you an' Ab up to housekeepin'. The real offus uv a bride is to be ornamental. So, all you got to do this mawnin' is to set up on thet ther sled, an' look purty."

Now it was characteristic of this Gipsy, as of many others, that when interested by a remark or a question, he would reply by bursting into some picture of travel, drawn from memory. So he answered by saying "They hunnelo'd the choro puro mush by pennin' him he mustn't hatch odoi. 'What's tute? he pens to the prastramengro; 'I'll del you thrin bar to lel your chuckko offus an' koor mandy.