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After reading the instructions, she thought it wise to copy the lines intended for Lucien on a sheet of letter-paper; then she went down to Madame Nourrisson, to whom she talked while a little shop-girl went to fetch a cab from the Boulevard des Italiens.

Do you want to marry there, simpleton?" she added, addressing Gazonal; "then pay me forty francs and I'll talk four hundred worth." Gazonal produced a forty-franc gold-piece, and Madame Nourrisson gave him startling details as to the secret penury of certain so-called fashionable women.

Do you see?" said Madame Nourrisson, finding the Brazilian quite amazed by so subtle a scheme. "All right, old ostrich," he replied. "Come along: I understand." "Good-bye, little one!" said the old woman to Carabine. She signed to Cydalise to go on with Montes, and remained a minute with Carabine. "Now, child, I have but one fear, and that is that he will strangle her!

That thief had on such pearls this evening! you would sell your soul for them." Cydalise, Montes, and Madame Nourrisson got into a hackney coach that was waiting at the door.

"That is supremely clever!" said Carabine to Madame Nourrisson, who nodded in sign of assent. "My faith in that woman," said Montes, and he shed a tear, "was a match for my love. Just now, I was ready to fight everybody at table " "So I saw," said Carabine. "And if I am cheated, if she is going to be married, if she is at this moment in Steinbock's arms, she deserves a thousand deaths!

"Ah! my dear monsieur," said Madame Nourrisson, enlightened by the slang, "you are an artist, you write plays, you live in the rue du Helder and are friends with Madame Anatolia; you have habits that I know all about. Come, do you want some rarity in the grand style, Carabine or Mousqueton, Malaga or Jenny Cadine?" "Malaga, Carabine! nonsense!" cried Leon de Lora. "It was we who invented them."

She had a collar of magnificent lace, though torn, and a terrible bonnet; but her shoes were of fine kid, in which the flesh of her fat feet made a roll of black-lace stocking. "And my waist buckle!" she exclaimed, displaying a piece of suspicious-looking finery, prominent on her cook's stomach, "There's style for you! and my front! Oh, Ma'me Nourrisson has turned me out quite spiff!"

And besides she is in debt. How much do you owe?" asked Carabine, nipping Cydalise's arm. "She is worth all she can get," said the old woman. "The point is that she can find a buyer." "Listen!" cried Montes, fully aware at last of this masterpiece of womankind "you will show me Valerie " "And Count Steinbock. Certainly!" said Madame Nourrisson.

The dreadful Madame Nourrisson, at this moment so completely disguised as to look like a respectable old body, rose to embrace Carabine, one of the hundred and odd courtesans she had launched on their horrible career of vice. "He is an Othello who is not to be taken in, whom I have the honor of introducing to you Monsieur le Baron Montes de Montejanos." "Oh!

"Formerly a perfumer, a mayor yes, I live in his district under the name of Ma'ame Nourrisson," said the woman. "The other person is Madame Marneffe." "I do not know," said Madame de Saint-Esteve. "But within three days I will be in a position to count her shifts." "Can you hinder the marriage?" asked Victorin. "How far have they got?" "To the second time of asking." "We must carry off the woman.