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He strongly advised every Italian prince to abstain from the conflict, and it is further as certain as anything can well be, that his influence, exercised through Lord Normanby, alone averted French intervention in August 1848, when the desperate state of things made the Italians willing to accept foreign aid.

Sir John Colborne to Lord Normanby, 19 August, 1839. The Right Hon. C. P. Thomson to Lord John Russell, 15 December 1839. Poulett Scrope, pp. 148-9. The Right Hon. C. P. Thomson to Lord John Russell, 15 December, 1839. Ibid. Poulett Scrope, p. 163. Ibid. p. 33. Sydenham to Russell, 13 January, 1841. Poulett Scrope, p. 164. Poulett Scrope, p. 183.

I hope that my dear and valued friend, the Duchess of Gloucester, is as well as we can expect after her deep affliction. Shortly after this she paid a visit of condolence to the Duchess by appointment. Early in 1840 the young Queen, her present Majesty, sent Mrs. Fry a present of fifty pounds by Lord Normanby for the Refuge at Chelsea, and appointed an audience. On the first day of February Mrs.

It is useless, however, to speculate upon an obsolete institution; the law has fallen into disuse, and the more is the pity. How one would like to have seen Lord Normanby, with that one curl of infantine simplicity that played upon his forehead, with that eternal leer of self-satisfied loveliness that rested on his features, playing banker at rouge et noir, or calling the throws at hazard.

Kaye, Papers and Correspondence of Lord Metcalfe, pp. 414-15. See an admirable discussion of the point in Lucas's edition of the Report, i. p. 146 and ii. p. 281. Ibid. ii. p. 282. A speech by Charles Buller in Hansard, 30 May, 1844. Arthur to Normanby, 21 August, 1839. Ibid. 15 October, 1839. Protest of the Duke of Wellington against the Third Reading of a bill, etc., 13 July, 1840.

Lord Normanby also laid before the House of Peers the testimony of a distinguished Italian writer, Signor Amperi, whom he described as a man of high character.

A bill being formed on these resolutions, was sent up to the house of lords, where it met with some opposition from the marquis of Normanby; a protest was likewise entered against it by the earls of Huntingdon and Plymouth, and the lords Guilford and Jeffries.

Lord Normanby had been Lord Lieutenant of Ireland under the Whigs, and Lord Morpeth, whom we can all remember as the amiable and accomplished Lord Carlisle of later time, Irish Secretary.

Inspector Douglas, in charge of the native police, was informed. His detachment followed the murderers across the Normanby River, where they overtook and dispersed them. Portions of the dray, stripped of all the iron work, were also found. The police learnt, through the troopers from some blacks who were captured, that Strau's party was camped for dinner when the blacks attacked them.

But there are many threads in George Ponderevo's life that were not immediately intertwined with the Tono-Bungay career, and his love for Beatrice Normanby touches in quite another manner on the sex problem opened in Ann Veronica. In both these books the story is the essential thing, and the attack upon social conditions is relatively indirect.