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I have always admired that love of Gamle Norge which shines through Norwegian history, song, and saga but when it is manifested in such ridiculous extremes, one doubts the genuineness of the feeling, and suspects it of being alloyed with some degree of personal vanity.

Sweden and Denmark are the only countries known to them besides their own "Gamle Norge," save such vague notions of other lands as they pick up from occasional travelers. To them "Amerika" is a terra incognita. They firmly believe in ghosts and supernatural visitations of all sorts, but are very incredulous about any country in the world being equal to "Gamle Norge."

In and out it flew, in and out, over the water and under, as the Varsimle', the leader doe of the Reindeer herd, walked past on the vernal banks, and it sang: "Skoal! Skoal! Gamle Norge Skoal!" and more about "a White Reindeer and Norway's good luck," as though the singer were gifted with special insight.

Amid a multitudinous salute of "Farväl!" the pilot bundled into his pram; and even now I see him tossed about, looking the very configuration of "Gamle Norge." The sameness of all other seas is not forbidden to this northern one; and except a more constant repetition of squalls and showers of rain, I distinguished the great family likeness.

Tag dit Skib og drag til Land, Det dundrer under Norge. 'Listen, you man, who gave the stocking. Take your ship and make for land, It thunders under Norway. The fisherman obeyed, and a great storm ensued, and many people perished at sea."

When the bishop came forth in the afternoon to take his seat in the shade of the wood, those who were there assembled were singing "For Norge." Instead of permitting them to stop, on account of his arrival, he joined in the song, and solely because his heart was in it.

People who live in such a land must needs be proud of it, and the descendants of the Vikings believe that there exists in the world no fairer country than their beloved Norge. Maybe they are not far wrong.

"How I pity the countries that have no glorious mountains!" cried Frolich; "especially if few of their people live in sight of the vast sea, or in the heart of deep forests." And, by one impulse, they all struck up the national air "For Norge," a thanksgiving for their home being planted in the midst of the northern seas.

The statistics of morality, for instance, show that one child out of every ten is illegitimate; and the ratio has been steadily increasing for the past fifty years. Would that the more intelligent classes would seriously set themselves to work for the good of "Gamle Norge" instead of being content with the poetical flourish of her name!

"Med disse kilder når vi dog kun til det egenlige sagamands-område, Norge og Island. I Danmark er fortællingen ukendt; og Sakse og Svend Ågesön er enige on den lige modsatte overlevering: det er Halvdan, der slår sin broder Frode eller begge sine brödre ihjel for at vinde herredömmet alene.