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"Vell," said the shopkeeper, "I tell you vat I'll do, deacon. You let your minister do all he can mit him, and ven he finds he can't do noding yoost you come an' tell me, an' den I'll send our priest after him. He's a good man. You can't say noding against him; you know you can't. Neider can anybody else in dis town."

Conrad Weitz, the manager of the most popular drinking-place in the town, predicted that there would soon have to be a change for the worse. "He ain't drinkin' noding," said Conrad; "and a feller dat's been drinkin' all his life can't get along midout it afterwards."

"Listen," he began, "do you know what you ought to do in this business?" "I haf ein mann of pizness!" "Very good, come to terms at once with the next-of-kin; make them pay you a lump sum of money down and an annuity, and you can live in peace " "I ask noding more." "Very well. Let me arrange it for you," said Gaudissart.

"Is this gentleman the son, brother, or father of the deceased?" inquired the official. "I am all dat and more pesides I am his friend," said Schmucke through a torrent of weeping. "Are you his heir?" "Heir? . . ." repeated Schmucke. "Noding matters to me more in dis vorld," returning to his attitude of hopeless sorrow. "Where are the relatives, the friends?" asked the master of the ceremonies.

"Both men stood aside to enable me to continue my reading, and, as I was about to turn away, the smarter of the two addressed me. "'Good chanth here, misther. Nithe little bithness going for nothing. No charge for goodwill or fixtures. Ready-made bithneth and nothing to pay but rent. "'Ja! the other man broke in, 'dat shop is a leedle goldmine; und you buys 'im for noding.

'There seems to have been a regular manufactory of Mexican Railway scrip. 'Our governor knew noding about dat, said Croll. 'He has a hat full of them at any rate. If they could have been kept up another fortnight they say Cohenlupe would have been worth nearly a million of money, and the governor would have been as good as the bank.

Again the ruddy and grizzled magnate put his hand on the shoulder of the boy, who stood looking away at the bottles, at the railroad track, at anything save his employer. The employer proceeded: "I was afraid of nobody und noding in those days. You are afraid of nobody and noding. But those days was different. No Pullman sleepers, no railroad at all.

"You were safe on Easter Island, and ill from stuffing yourself with fresh mutton," I prompted, "And now what?" Steve spat over the rail. "Ram, lam', sheep, und muddon for a hundred und fife days. Dere vas noding odder. Dot's a kveer place, dot Easter Island, mit shtone gotts lyin' round und det fulcanoes, und noding good to eat. Ve liffed in a house de English manager gif us.

She tossed her head sharply. "Friends!" she exclaimed. "Mother of God! Would you walk about with your knives for ever? When every day other men are taken, can you ask to go free? Am I the wife of the Intendente?" "No, nod the vife!" barked the stout man violently. "But if you gan't tell us noding better than to stop for der police to dake us, vot's der good of you?"

Alvays tink dey so strong noding happen, ever. But just same Hugo Ennis one mighty fine man, I say dat sure. I rather de ole cow die as anyting 'appen to heem." Without interrupting her work, and later as she toiled, at her washtub, the good woman launched forth in lengthy praise of Hugo.