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And then in time I came to England and drew for Punch, thus fulfilling the early prophecy of my friends and fellow-students at University College though not quite in the sense they anticipated. "Waall I come right slick away from Ne'York City, an' I ain't had much time for foolin' around in Europe you bet! So I can't fix up your Gals in the Eu- rôpean languages, no-how!"

They reached the entrance, and after ascending a few miles, came to anchor under a jut of wood that formed a bend in the river. The baying of dogs during the night intimated the vicinity of a settlement near, and in the morning the captain sent one of the negroes on shore for a bottle of milk. "Massa, dat man what live yonder ha'n't much no-how, alwa's makes 'em pay seven-pence," said the negro.

I was amused at the idea, and replied, "Pretty good butter! What is that to me? I do not buy butter." "Not buy butter! Why you don't say! It is the very best article in the market jist now." For a bit of fun I said, "Never mind; I will take your butter. What is it worth?" "It was worth ten cents last week, mister; I don't know what it's worth now. It can't have fallen, no-how."

War it to-day, or yesterday, or the day before? or war it a whole year ago? for may I be next hung to the horn of a buffalo, instead of the limb of a beech tree, if I didn't feel as if I had been squeaking thar ever since the beginning of creation! Cock-a-doodle-doo! him that ar'nt born to be hanged, won't be hanged, no-how!"

"Why I can't say much, ma'am," answered Mr Hobson, "as to my knowing the gentleman, being I have been in his company but once; and what I say is, to know a person if one leaves but a quart in a hogshead, it's two pints too much. That's my notion. But, Sir, that was but an ungain business at 'Squire Monckton's t'other morning. Every body was no-how, as one may say.

"It is jist to save you from the torture," said he, "that I'm now speaking; for, cuss me, the more I think of it, the more I can't stand it no-how. I'm a rascal, captain, but I'm no tiger-cat, especially to them that hasn't misused me, and there's the grit of a man about you that strikes my feelings exactly.

If you killed the old feller and the young-uns, you needn't be ashamed of it; for cuss me, I think all the better of you for it; for it's not every feller can kill three Injuns that has him in the tugs, by no means no-how. But, I reckon, the ramscallions took to the liquor?

"I couldn't stand it no-how fur ter hev the Honey laugh at the old man's foolishness," muttered Daddy to himself, as Little Wolf slipped away, glad to be relieved of all responsibility in the matter, and feeling less perhaps like laughing at the old man's eccentricities than ever before in her life; and, indeed, it was a long time afterwards before she felt like laughing at all.

"Serves him right fer gittin' soused an' buildin' up a big fire in a busted stove. 'Twasn't no fault of his that spark didn't catch the roof. Serves him right! Maybe it did catch maybe it did. 'Taint my fault no-how it must 'a' caught I seen it thataway so plain! Oh, my God! Oh, my God," he babbled, "if they git to askin' me!

"She might 's well be, 's fur 's our seein' her 's concerned," replied Mrs. Black. "She's gone t' Boston t' stay f'r good, b'cause she couldn't stan' it no-how here in Brookville, after her pa was found dead.