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The annus miserabilis 1917 had begun with the determination of the German Empire to render the seas impassable and to withdraw the pledge to President Wilson that merchant ships should not be sunk till the passengers and crew had a chance to get into open boats. On January 31, 1917, "Frightfulness" began anew, and the undersea fleets, enormously increased, were set loose in shoals.

I hope to get an answer from you to day. If there is no one to open the door to your servant, let him leave the note in the entrance to the left, and should he find no one there either, he must give it to the porter's wife below stairs. May Heaven prosper you in your musical undertakings! Your Miserabilis. Feb. 28, 1813. Farewell!

Num igitur horum senectus miserabilis fuit, qui se agri cultione oblectabant?

The statement of Cic. in the text is repeated almost verbatim by Plin. MISERABILIS: 'to be pitied'. The word does not quite answer to our 'miserable'. AGRI CULTIONE: a rare expression, found elsewhere only in Verr. 3, 226; then not again till the 'Fathers'. HAUD SCIO AN NULLA: since haud scio an is affirmative in Cicero, not negative as in some later writers, nulla must be read here, not ulla.

Ibique cernitur miserabilis actus vltra modum. Et post processionem postquam statuerunt Idolum in templo suo loco, multiplicatur coram simulachris numerus saepe plangentium, et occidentium vltra quam credi sit facile. Ita quod quandoque in illa vnica solemnitate inueniuntur ducenta corpora, vel plura occisorum.

One day during recess the boys had a snake hunt, and they tied their game in one bunch by the heads with string, and suspended them by the wayside. I counted them, and there were twenty-seven snakes in the bunch. The year '49 was the 'annus mirabilis' of the great rush for gold across the plains, and it was also an 'annus miserabilis' on account of the cholera.