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Sweete poyson, pretious wooe, infectious jewell Such is a Ladie that is faire and cruell. How well could I with ayre, camelion-like, Live happie, and still gazeing on thy cheeke, In which, forsaken man, methink I see How goodlie love doth threaten cares to mee. Why dost thou frowne thus on a kneelinge soule, Whose faults in love thou may'st as well controule?

Thus stood we on watch all the rest of the night, evermore hearkening when we should hear them come, but "Hush, stand still! Methink I hear a trampling," so that at last many of us thought we heard them ourselves too. But when the day was sprung, and we saw no one, out was our runner sent again, and some of our captains with him, to show whereabout was the place in which he had perceived them.

Although it was almost noonday, not a ray of sun penetrated through the dim green depths. "Methinks," said Sir Hokus, peering into the gloom ahead, "that a great adventure is at hand." The Cowardly Lion put back his ears. "What makes you methink so?" he rumbled anxiously. "Hark thee!" said Sir Hokus, holding up his finger warningly. From a great way off sounded a curious thumping.

Methink I can see them leaving their once cherished homes the aged, the helpless, the women and children, and the warriors faint and few the ashes are cold on their native hearth; the smoke no more curls round their lowly cabin: they move on with slow, unsteady steps; they turn to take a last look upon their doomed village and cast a last glance upon the long cherished memories of their fathers' graves.

And wherefore are magistrates ordained, but that the tranquillity of the commonweal may be confirmed, limiting both ploughs? But now for the fault of unpreaching prelates, methink I could guess what might be said for excusing of them.

And if she be of the daughters of men, she will belike methink her of her mother, and be kind to me for her sake, and give me a piece of bread and a draught of her goats' milk.

Methink it should be grateful and pleasant to you to mark the earnest mind of your forefathers, and to look upon their desire where they say in their constitution, "We command you," and not, "We counsel you."

Is it not written that the mighty Peter, whom ye call Prince of the Apostles, was a married man? Who, then, hath persuaded thee to call this defilement? Methink, sir, thou strayest utterly away from the truth of your doctrines." "Yea, Lady," said he, "all this is even as thou sayest.

As I would look dreamily into the Bubblin' Well I would methink how I do wish I knowed how and where you come to be so hot, and I'd think how much it could tell if it would bubble up and speak so's we could understand it. Mebby it wuz het in a big reservoir of solid gold and run some of the way through sluice ways of shinin' silver and anon over beds of diamonds and rubies.

By birth he's from the Rhine; what more need I to say? For thy sake are we come hither. Fain would he woo thee, however he fare. Methink thee now betimes, my lord will not let thee go. He is hight Gunther and is a lordly king. An' he win thy love, he doth crave naught more. Forsooth this knight, so well beseen, did bid me journey hither. I would fain have given it over, could I have said him nay."